C# Класс Jurassic.JavaScriptException

Наследование: System.Exception
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
JavaScriptException ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message ) : System

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance.

JavaScriptException ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message, Exception innerException ) : System

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance.

JavaScriptException ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message, int lineNumber, string sourcePath ) : System

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance.

JavaScriptException ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message, int lineNumber, string sourcePath, string functionName ) : System

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance.

JavaScriptException ( object errorObject, int lineNumber, string sourcePath ) : System

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance based on the given object.

JavaScriptException ( object errorObject, int lineNumber, string sourcePath, string functionName ) : System

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance based on the given object.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreateError ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message ) : ErrorInstance

Creates an error object with the given message.

PopulateStackTrace ( ) : void

Populates the error object stack trace, if the error object is an Error.

Описание методов

JavaScriptException() публичный Метод

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance.
public JavaScriptException ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message ) : System
engine ScriptEngine The script engine used to create the error object.
type ErrorType The type of error, e.g. Error, RangeError, etc.
message string A description of the error.
Результат System

JavaScriptException() публичный Метод

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance.
public JavaScriptException ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message, Exception innerException ) : System
engine ScriptEngine The current script environment.
type ErrorType The type of error, e.g. Error, RangeError, etc.
message string A description of the error.
innerException System.Exception The exception that is the cause of the current exception, /// or null if no inner exception is specified.
Результат System

JavaScriptException() публичный Метод

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance.
public JavaScriptException ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message, int lineNumber, string sourcePath ) : System
engine ScriptEngine The current script environment.
type ErrorType The type of error, e.g. Error, RangeError, etc.
message string A description of the error.
lineNumber int The line number in the source file the error occurred on.
sourcePath string The path or URL of the source file. Can be null.
Результат System

JavaScriptException() публичный Метод

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance.
public JavaScriptException ( ScriptEngine engine, ErrorType type, string message, int lineNumber, string sourcePath, string functionName ) : System
engine ScriptEngine The current script environment.
type ErrorType The type of error, e.g. Error, RangeError, etc.
message string A description of the error.
lineNumber int The line number in the source file the error occurred on.
sourcePath string The path or URL of the source file. Can be null.
functionName string The name of the function. Can be null.
Результат System

JavaScriptException() публичный Метод

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance based on the given object.
public JavaScriptException ( object errorObject, int lineNumber, string sourcePath ) : System
errorObject object The javascript object that was thrown.
lineNumber int The line number in the source file the error occurred on.
sourcePath string The path or URL of the source file. Can be null.
Результат System

JavaScriptException() публичный Метод

Creates a new JavaScriptException instance based on the given object.
public JavaScriptException ( object errorObject, int lineNumber, string sourcePath, string functionName ) : System
errorObject object The javascript object that was thrown.
lineNumber int The line number in the source file the error occurred on.
sourcePath string The path or URL of the source file. Can be null.
functionName string The name of the function. Can be null.
Результат System