C# Класс JMeter.Toolkit.Engine.XSD.testResultsHttpSample

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Private Properties

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Deserialize ( string xml, testResultsHttpSample &obj ) : bool
Deserialize ( string xml, testResultsHttpSample &obj, System &exception ) : bool

Deserializes workflow markup into an testResultsHttpSample object

Deserialize ( string xml ) : testResultsHttpSample
LoadFromFile ( string fileName, testResultsHttpSample &obj ) : bool
LoadFromFile ( string fileName, testResultsHttpSample &obj, System &exception ) : bool

Deserializes xml markup from file into an testResultsHttpSample object

LoadFromFile ( string fileName ) : testResultsHttpSample
SaveToFile ( string fileName, System &exception ) : bool

Serializes current testResultsHttpSample object into file

SaveToFile ( string fileName ) : void
Serialize ( ) : string

Serializes current testResultsHttpSample object into an XML document

testResultsHttpSample ( ) : System

Описание методов

Deserialize() публичный статический Метод

public static Deserialize ( string xml, testResultsHttpSample &obj ) : bool
xml string
obj testResultsHttpSample
Результат bool

Deserialize() публичный статический Метод

Deserializes workflow markup into an testResultsHttpSample object
public static Deserialize ( string xml, testResultsHttpSample &obj, System &exception ) : bool
xml string string workflow markup to deserialize
obj testResultsHttpSample Output testResultsHttpSample object
exception System output Exception value if deserialize failed
Результат bool

Deserialize() публичный статический Метод

public static Deserialize ( string xml ) : testResultsHttpSample
xml string
Результат testResultsHttpSample

LoadFromFile() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadFromFile ( string fileName, testResultsHttpSample &obj ) : bool
fileName string
obj testResultsHttpSample
Результат bool

LoadFromFile() публичный статический Метод

Deserializes xml markup from file into an testResultsHttpSample object
public static LoadFromFile ( string fileName, testResultsHttpSample &obj, System &exception ) : bool
fileName string string xml file to load and deserialize
obj testResultsHttpSample Output testResultsHttpSample object
exception System output Exception value if deserialize failed
Результат bool

LoadFromFile() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadFromFile ( string fileName ) : testResultsHttpSample
fileName string
Результат testResultsHttpSample

SaveToFile() публичный Метод

Serializes current testResultsHttpSample object into file
public SaveToFile ( string fileName, System &exception ) : bool
fileName string full path of outupt xml file
exception System output Exception value if failed
Результат bool

SaveToFile() публичный Метод

public SaveToFile ( string fileName ) : void
fileName string
Результат void

Serialize() публичный Метод

Serializes current testResultsHttpSample object into an XML document
public Serialize ( ) : string
Результат string

testResultsHttpSample() публичный Метод

public testResultsHttpSample ( ) : System
Результат System