C# Класс IrrlichtNETCP.SceneManager

Наследование: NativeElement
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode ( AnimatedMesh mesh ) : AnimatedMeshSceneNode

Adds a simple animated mesh scene node to the scene

AddBillboardSceneNode ( SceneNode parent, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df size, int id ) : BillboardSceneNode

Adds a billboard (simple 2D texture which seems to be on a 3D box)

AddBillboardTextSceneNode ( GUIFont font, string text, SceneNode parent, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df size, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, int id, Color shade_top, Color shade_down ) : TextSceneNode

Adds 3d TextSceneNode2. to view a Text in real 3D Space in fact it is a combination of Billboard and TextSceneNode

AddBillboardTextSceneNodeW ( GUIFont font, string text, SceneNode parent, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df size, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, int id, Color shade_top, Color shade_down ) : TextSceneNode
AddCameraSceneNode ( SceneNode parent ) : CameraSceneNode

Adds a simple camera to the node

AddCameraSceneNodeFPS ( SceneNode parent, float rotateSpeed, float moveSpeed, bool noVerticalMovement ) : CameraSceneNode

Adds a FPS camera, look at controlled by mouse and movement by arrow keys

AddCameraSceneNodeFPS ( SceneNode parent, float rotateSpeed, float moveSpeed, bool noVerticalMovement, KeyMap map ) : CameraSceneNode

Adds a FPS camera, look at controlled by mouse and movement by arrow keys

AddCameraSceneNodeMaya ( SceneNode parent, float rotateSpeed, float zoomSpeed, float transSpeed, int id ) : CameraSceneNode

Adds a simple Maya camera scene node

AddCubeSceneNode ( float size, SceneNode parent, int id ) : SceneNode

Adds a simple cube

AddDummyTransformationSceneNode ( SceneNode parent, int id ) : SceneNode

Adds a dummy transformation scene node

AddEmptySceneNode ( SceneNode parent, int id ) : SceneNode

Adds an empty scene node, not rendered and not displayed but which exists

AddHillPlaneMesh ( string name, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df tileSize, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D tileCount, float hillHeight, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df countHills, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df textureRepeatCount ) : AnimatedMesh

Creates a hill plane mesh (used for instance for any water)

AddLightSceneNode ( SceneNode parent, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Colorf color, float radius, int id ) : IrrlichtNETCP.LightSceneNode

Adds a light scene node to the scene

AddMeshSceneNode ( Mesh mesh, SceneNode parent, int id ) : IrrlichtNETCP.MeshSceneNode

Adds a basic and not-moving scene node based on a simple mesh

AddOctTreeSceneNode ( AnimatedMesh mesh, SceneNode parent, int id, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : SceneNode

Adds a scene node for rendering using an octtree to the scene graph

AddOctTreeSceneNode ( Mesh mesh, SceneNode parent, int id, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : SceneNode

Adds an oct tree scene node

AddParticleSystemSceneNode ( bool defaultEmitter, SceneNode parent, int id ) : ParticleSystemSceneNode

Adds a simple particle scene node

AddSkyBoxSceneNode ( SceneNode parent, Texture textureList, int id ) : SceneNode

Adds a simple skybox. A skybox is a basic cube rendered before everything and used to simulate an external environment with only textures.

AddSkyDomeSceneNode ( Texture texture, uint horiRes, uint vertRes, double texturePercentage, double spherePercentage, SceneNode parent ) : SceneNode

Adds a skydome scene node to the scene graph. A skydome is a large (half-) sphere with a panoramic texture on the inside and is drawn around the camera position.

AddSphereSceneNode ( float radius, int polycount, SceneNode parent ) : SceneNode

Adds a sphere scene node for test purposes to the scene. It is a simple sphere.

AddTerrainMesh ( string name, Image texture, Image heightmap, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D stretchSize, float maxHeight, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D defaultVertexBlockSize ) : Mesh

Adds a static terrain mesh

AddTerrainSceneNode ( string heightMap, SceneNode parent, int id, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D scale, Color vertexColor, int maxLOD, TerrainPatchSize patchSize, int smoothFactor ) : TerrainSceneNode

Adds a heightmap-based terrain on the scene

AddTerrainSceneNodeFromRawData ( float data, int width, SceneNode parent, int id, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D scale, Color vertexColor, int maxLOD, TerrainPatchSize patchSize, int smoothFactor ) : TerrainSceneNode
AddTextSceneNode ( GUIFont font, string text, Color color, SceneNode parent ) : TextSceneNode

Adds a 3D rendered text scene node to the scene

AddTextSceneNodeW ( GUIFont font, string text, Color color, SceneNode parent ) : TextSceneNode
AddToDeletionQueue ( SceneNode node ) : void

Adds a node to the deletion queue (it will be deleted immediately when it is secure)

AddTreeSceneNode ( string XMLString, SceneNode parent, int id, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D scale, Texture TreeTexture, Texture LeafTexture, Texture BillTexture ) : SceneNode
AddTreeSceneNode ( string XMLString, SceneNode parent, int id, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D scale, Texture TreeTexture, Texture LeafTexture, Texture BillTexture, int LeafMaterial ) : SceneNode
AddWaterSurfaceSceneNode ( Mesh hillMesh, float waveH, float waveS, float waveL, SceneNode parent, int id ) : SceneNode

Adds a water surface based on a hill mesh (use AddHillPlaneMesh). Looks good when material is TransparentReflection

Clear ( ) : void
CreateCollisionResponseAnimator ( TriangleSelector world, SceneNode node, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D ellipsoidRadius, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D gravityPerSecond, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D ellipsoidTranslation, float slidingValue ) : Animator

Creates a simple animator for collision detection

CreateDeleteAnimator ( uint timeMS ) : Animator

Creates an animator that will delete the node after X miliseconds

CreateFlyCircleAnimator ( IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D center, float radius, float speed ) : Animator

Creates an animator that will fly around a center

CreateFlyStraightAnimator ( IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D start, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D end, uint time, bool loop ) : Animator

Creates an animator that will fly from one point to... another one !

CreateFollowSplineAnimator ( int startTime, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D points, float speed, float tightness ) : Animator
CreateMeshWriter ( MeshWriterType type ) : MeshWriter
CreateMetaTriangleSelector ( ) : MetaTriangleSelector

A meta triangle selector is nothing more than a collection of one or more triangle selectors providing together the interface of one triangle selector. In this way, collision tests can be done with different triangle soups in one pass.

CreateNewSceneManager ( bool copycontent ) : SceneManager

Creates a new scene manager.

CreateOctTreeTriangleSelector ( Mesh mesh, SceneNode node, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : TriangleSelector

Creates an optimized collision detector based on OctTrees

CreateRotationAnimator ( IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation ) : Animator

Creates a simple animator that will rotate.

CreateTerrainTriangleSelector ( TerrainSceneNode terrain, int LOD ) : TriangleSelector

Creates an optimized-for-terrain triangle selector

CreateTextureAnimator ( Texture textures, int timePerFrame, bool loop ) : Animator

Creates an animator that will switch every [timePerFrame] miliseconds the textures of the node.

CreateTriangleSelector ( Mesh mesh, SceneNode node ) : TriangleSelector

Creates a basic triangle selector based on a mesh

CreateTriangleSelectorFromBoundingBox ( SceneNode node ) : TriangleSelector

Creates the basic boundingbox-based triangle selector. Useful for a basic collision detection that doesn't need polygon precision

DrawAll ( ) : void

Draws the whole scene. MUST be called between Driver.BeginScene and Driver.EndScene

GetMesh ( string name ) : AnimatedMesh

Retrieves the mesh from a file

GetMeshFromReadFile ( IntPtr readFile ) : AnimatedMesh

Retrieves the mesh from an IReadFile interface (can also be in-memory)

GetSceneNodeFromID ( int id ) : SceneNode

Retrieves a Scene node by id.

GetSceneNodeFromName ( string name ) : SceneNode

Retrieves a scene node from its name.

GetSceneNodeFromType ( SceneNodeType type, SceneNode start ) : SceneNode

Returns the first scene node with the specified type.

LoadScene ( string filename ) : void

Loads a scene. Note that the current scene is not cleared before.

LoadScene ( string filename, SceneNode parent ) : void

Loads a scene. Note that the current scene is not cleared before.

PostEventFromUser ( Event ev ) : bool

Posts an input event to the environment. Usefull for new created SceneManagers

RegisterNodeForRendering ( SceneNode node ) : void

Registers a node for rendering it at a specific time.

RegisterNodeForRendering ( SceneNode node, SceneNodeRenderPass pass ) : void

Registers a node for rendering it at a specific time.

SaveScene ( string filename ) : void

Saves the current scene into a file.

SceneManager ( IntPtr raw ) : System


SetAmbientLight ( IrrlichtNETCP.Colorf color ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
RemoveFromElements ( SceneNode node ) : void
SceneManager_AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr mesh, IntPtr parent, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddBillboardSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr parent, float size, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddCameraSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr parent ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddCameraSceneNodeFPS ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr parent, float rotateS, float moveS, int id, bool novertical ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddCameraSceneNodeFPSA ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr parent, float rotateS, float moveS, int id, bool novertical, int actionsmap, int keymap, int keymapsize ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddCameraSceneNodeMaya ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr parent, float rotateS, float zoomS, float transS, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddCubeSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, float size, IntPtr parent, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddDummyTransformationSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr parent, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddEmptySceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr parent, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddHillPlaneMesh ( IntPtr scenemanager, string name, float tileSize, int tileCount, float hillHeight, float countHills, float textureRepeatCount ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddLightSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr parent, float position, float color, float radius, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddMeshSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr mesh, IntPtr parent, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddOctTreeSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr mesh, IntPtr parent, int id, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddOctTreeSceneNodeA ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr animatedmesh, IntPtr parent, int id, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddParticleSystemSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, bool defaultEmitter, IntPtr parent, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddSkyBoxSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr top, IntPtr bottom, IntPtr lef, IntPtr right, IntPtr front, IntPtr back, IntPtr parent, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddSkyDomeSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr texture, uint horiRes, uint vertRes, double texturePercentage, double spherePercentage, IntPtr parent ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddSphereSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, float radius, int polycount, IntPtr parent ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddTerrainMesh ( IntPtr scenemanager, string meshname, IntPtr texture, IntPtr heightmap, int stretchSize, float maxHeight, int defaultVertexBlockSize ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddTerrainSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, string TreeXML, IntPtr parent, int id, float position, float rotation, float scale, int vertexColor, int maxLOD, TerrainPatchSize patchSize, int smoothFactor ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddTerrainSceneNodeFromRawData ( IntPtr scenemanager, [ SizeParamIndex = 2)]float[,]data, int size, int width, IntPtr parent, int id, float position, float rotation, float scale, int vertexColor, int maxLOD, TerrainPatchSize patchSize, int smoothFactor ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddTextSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr font, string text, int color, IntPtr parent ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddTextSceneNode2 ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr font, string text, IntPtr parent, float size, float pos, int ID, int shade_top, int shade_down ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddTextSceneNode2W ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr font, string text, IntPtr parent, float size, float pos, int ID, int shade_top, int shade_down ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddTextSceneNodeW ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr font, string text, int color, IntPtr parent ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddToDeletionQueue ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr node ) : void
SceneManager_AddTreeSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, string heightMap, IntPtr parent, int id, float position, float rotation, float scale, IntPtr TreeTexture, IntPtr LeafTexture, IntPtr BillTexture, int LeafMaterial ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_AddWaterSurfaceSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr mesh, float waveHeight, float waveSpeed, float waveLength, IntPtr parent, int ID ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_Clear ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : void
SceneManager_CreateCollisionResponseAnimator ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr world, IntPtr sceneNode, float ellipsoidRadius, float gravityPerSecond, float ellipsoidTranslation, float slidingValue ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateDeleteAnimator ( IntPtr scenemanager, uint timeMS ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateFlyCircleAnimator ( IntPtr scenemanager, float center, float radius, float speed ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateFlyStraightAnimator ( IntPtr scenemanager, float startPoint, float endPoint, uint time, bool loop ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateFollowSplineAnimator ( IntPtr scenemanager, int starttime, float Xs, float Ys, float Zs, int arraysize, float speed, float tightness ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateMeshWriter ( IntPtr scenemanager, MeshWriterType type ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateMetaTriangleSelector ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateNewSceneManager ( IntPtr scenemanager, bool copycontent ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateOctTreeTriangleSelector ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr mesh, IntPtr node, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateRotationAnimator ( IntPtr scenemanager, float rotation ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateTerrainTriangleSelector ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr node, int LOD ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateTextureAnimator ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr textures, int arraysize, int time, bool loop ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateTriangleSelector ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr mesh, IntPtr node ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_CreateTriangleSelectorFromBoundingBox ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr node ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_DrawAll ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : void
SceneManager_GetActiveCamera ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetGUIEnv ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetMesh ( IntPtr scenemanager, string meshname ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetMeshCache ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetMeshFromReadFile ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr opaqueFilePointer ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetMeshManipulator ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetRootSceneNode ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetSceneCollisionManager ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetSceneNodeFromID ( IntPtr scenemanager, int id ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetSceneNodeFromName ( IntPtr scenemanager, string name ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetSceneNodeFromType ( IntPtr mgr, IntPtr snode, int type ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_GetSceneNodeRenderPass ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : SceneNodeRenderPass
SceneManager_GetShadowColor ( IntPtr scenemanager, [ toR ) : void
SceneManager_GetVideoDriver ( IntPtr scenemanager ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_LoadScene ( IntPtr scenemanager, string filename, IntPtr parent ) : void
SceneManager_PostEventFromUser ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr eventptr ) : bool
SceneManager_RegisterNodeForRendering ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr node, SceneNodeRenderPass pass ) : void
SceneManager_SaveScene ( IntPtr scenemanager, string filename ) : void
SceneManager_SetActiveCamera ( IntPtr scenemanager, IntPtr camerascenenode ) : void
SceneManager_SetAmbientLight ( IntPtr scenemanager, float color ) : IntPtr
SceneManager_SetShadowColor ( IntPtr scenemanager, int color ) : void

Описание методов

AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a simple animated mesh scene node to the scene
public AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode ( AnimatedMesh mesh ) : AnimatedMeshSceneNode
mesh AnimatedMesh The animated mesh of the node that can be obtained via GetMesh
Результат AnimatedMeshSceneNode

AddBillboardSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a billboard (simple 2D texture which seems to be on a 3D box)
public AddBillboardSceneNode ( SceneNode parent, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df size, int id ) : BillboardSceneNode
parent SceneNode Parents from the node
size IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df Size of the billboard
id int ID (-1 for automatic ID assignation)
Результат BillboardSceneNode

AddBillboardTextSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds 3d TextSceneNode2. to view a Text in real 3D Space in fact it is a combination of Billboard and TextSceneNode
public AddBillboardTextSceneNode ( GUIFont font, string text, SceneNode parent, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df size, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, int id, Color shade_top, Color shade_down ) : TextSceneNode
font GUIFont Font
text string Text (can be changed later)
parent SceneNode Its parent
size IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df
position IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
id int
shade_top Color Color of the top shade
shade_down Color Color of the bottom shade
Результат TextSceneNode

AddBillboardTextSceneNodeW() публичный Метод

public AddBillboardTextSceneNodeW ( GUIFont font, string text, SceneNode parent, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df size, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, int id, Color shade_top, Color shade_down ) : TextSceneNode
font GUIFont
text string
parent SceneNode
size IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df
position IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
id int
shade_top Color
shade_down Color
Результат TextSceneNode

AddCameraSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a simple camera to the node
public AddCameraSceneNode ( SceneNode parent ) : CameraSceneNode
parent SceneNode The parents (null if no parent)
Результат CameraSceneNode

AddCameraSceneNodeFPS() публичный Метод

Adds a FPS camera, look at controlled by mouse and movement by arrow keys
public AddCameraSceneNodeFPS ( SceneNode parent, float rotateSpeed, float moveSpeed, bool noVerticalMovement ) : CameraSceneNode
parent SceneNode Parent of the node
rotateSpeed float Rotation speed
moveSpeed float Movement speed
noVerticalMovement bool Are vertical movements forbidden ?
Результат CameraSceneNode

AddCameraSceneNodeFPS() публичный Метод

Adds a FPS camera, look at controlled by mouse and movement by arrow keys
public AddCameraSceneNodeFPS ( SceneNode parent, float rotateSpeed, float moveSpeed, bool noVerticalMovement, KeyMap map ) : CameraSceneNode
parent SceneNode Parent of the node
rotateSpeed float Rotation speed
moveSpeed float Movement speed
noVerticalMovement bool Are vertical movements forbidden ?
map KeyMap KeyMap which defines all actions of the camera
Результат CameraSceneNode

AddCameraSceneNodeMaya() публичный Метод

Adds a simple Maya camera scene node
public AddCameraSceneNodeMaya ( SceneNode parent, float rotateSpeed, float zoomSpeed, float transSpeed, int id ) : CameraSceneNode
parent SceneNode Parent from the node
rotateSpeed float Rotation speed
zoomSpeed float Zoom speed
transSpeed float Translation speed
id int ID of the node (-1 for an automatic assignation)
Результат CameraSceneNode

AddCubeSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a simple cube
public AddCubeSceneNode ( float size, SceneNode parent, int id ) : SceneNode
size float Size
parent SceneNode Parent
id int ID of the node (-1 for automatic assign.)
Результат SceneNode

AddDummyTransformationSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a dummy transformation scene node
public AddDummyTransformationSceneNode ( SceneNode parent, int id ) : SceneNode
parent SceneNode Parent (null if no parent)
id int ID of the node (-1 for automatic assignation)
Результат SceneNode

AddEmptySceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds an empty scene node, not rendered and not displayed but which exists
public AddEmptySceneNode ( SceneNode parent, int id ) : SceneNode
parent SceneNode Parent from the node
id int ID (-1 for automatic assignation)
Результат SceneNode

AddHillPlaneMesh() публичный Метод

Creates a hill plane mesh (used for instance for any water)
public AddHillPlaneMesh ( string name, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df tileSize, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D tileCount, float hillHeight, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df countHills, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df textureRepeatCount ) : AnimatedMesh
name string Name of this mesh
tileSize IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df Size of each tile from the mesh
tileCount IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D Number of tiles
hillHeight float Height of each hills
countHills IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df Number of hills
textureRepeatCount IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2Df Texture repeatition count
Результат AnimatedMesh

AddLightSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a light scene node to the scene
public AddLightSceneNode ( SceneNode parent, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Colorf color, float radius, int id ) : IrrlichtNETCP.LightSceneNode
parent SceneNode Parent from the node
position IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D Initial position of the light
color IrrlichtNETCP.Colorf Floating color of the light
radius float Radius of the light
id int ID (-1 for automatic assignation)
Результат IrrlichtNETCP.LightSceneNode

AddMeshSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a basic and not-moving scene node based on a simple mesh
public AddMeshSceneNode ( Mesh mesh, SceneNode parent, int id ) : IrrlichtNETCP.MeshSceneNode
mesh Mesh A static mesh often obtained via GetMesh(0)
parent SceneNode Parent of the node
id int ID of the node (-1 for automatic assignation)
Результат IrrlichtNETCP.MeshSceneNode

AddOctTreeSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a scene node for rendering using an octtree to the scene graph
public AddOctTreeSceneNode ( AnimatedMesh mesh, SceneNode parent, int id, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : SceneNode
mesh AnimatedMesh The mesh the oct tree is based on. If this animated mesh has more than one frame, the first one is used
parent SceneNode Its parent
id int ID of the node (-1 for automatic assign.)
minimalPolysPerNode int Specifies the minimal polygons per node. Idea = 128
Результат SceneNode

AddOctTreeSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds an oct tree scene node
public AddOctTreeSceneNode ( Mesh mesh, SceneNode parent, int id, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : SceneNode
mesh Mesh The mesh it is based on
parent SceneNode Its parent
id int ID (-1 for automatic assign.)
minimalPolysPerNode int The minimal polys per node (ideal : 128)
Результат SceneNode

AddParticleSystemSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a simple particle scene node
public AddParticleSystemSceneNode ( bool defaultEmitter, SceneNode parent, int id ) : ParticleSystemSceneNode
defaultEmitter bool Creates a basic emitter. If disabled you'll need to use ParticleSystemSceneNode.Emitter
parent SceneNode A SceneNode
id int An int
Результат ParticleSystemSceneNode

AddSkyBoxSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a simple skybox. A skybox is a basic cube rendered before everything and used to simulate an external environment with only textures.
public AddSkyBoxSceneNode ( SceneNode parent, Texture textureList, int id ) : SceneNode
parent SceneNode Its parent (should be set to null)
textureList Texture List of 6 Textures that constitute the skybox, order : top, bottom, left, right, front, back
id int ID of the node, -1 for automatic assign.
Результат SceneNode

AddSkyDomeSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a skydome scene node to the scene graph. A skydome is a large (half-) sphere with a panoramic texture on the inside and is drawn around the camera position.
public AddSkyDomeSceneNode ( Texture texture, uint horiRes, uint vertRes, double texturePercentage, double spherePercentage, SceneNode parent ) : SceneNode
texture Texture Texture for the dome.
horiRes uint Number of vertices of a horizontal layer of the sphere.
vertRes uint Number of vertices of a vertical layer of the sphere.
texturePercentage double How much of the height of the texture is used. Should be between 0 and 1.
spherePercentage double How much of the sphere is drawn. Value should be between 0 and 2, where 1 is an exact half-sphere and 2 is a full sphere.
parent SceneNode Parent scene node of the dome. A dome usually has no parent, so this should be null. Note: If a parent is set, the dome will not change how it is drawn.
Результат SceneNode

AddSphereSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a sphere scene node for test purposes to the scene. It is a simple sphere.
public AddSphereSceneNode ( float radius, int polycount, SceneNode parent ) : SceneNode
radius float Radius of the sphere.
polycount int Polycount of the sphere.
parent SceneNode Parent of the scene node. Can be null if no parent.
Результат SceneNode

AddTerrainMesh() публичный Метод

Adds a static terrain mesh
public AddTerrainMesh ( string name, Image texture, Image heightmap, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D stretchSize, float maxHeight, IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D defaultVertexBlockSize ) : Mesh
name string Name of this mesh
texture Image Image of the texture. Please notice that it is an Image, not a Texture, and it is supposed to be hardware-created
heightmap Image Image of the heigthmap
stretchSize IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D How big a pixel on the image is rendered on the terrain
maxHeight float Maximal height
defaultVertexBlockSize IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D Should be (64,64)
Результат Mesh

AddTerrainSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a heightmap-based terrain on the scene
public AddTerrainSceneNode ( string heightMap, SceneNode parent, int id, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D scale, Color vertexColor, int maxLOD, TerrainPatchSize patchSize, int smoothFactor ) : TerrainSceneNode
heightMap string Relative or non-relative path to the heightmap.
parent SceneNode Parent from the terrain
id int ID (-1 for automatic assign.)
position IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D Position of the node
rotation IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D Rotation of the node
scale IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D Scale of the node
vertexColor Color Default color of all the vertices used if no texture is assigned to the node.
maxLOD int Maximal LOD, set 5 or change it ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING
patchSize TerrainPatchSize PatchSize, should be 17 and you mustn't change it unless you know what you're doing
smoothFactor int
Результат TerrainSceneNode

AddTerrainSceneNodeFromRawData() публичный Метод

public AddTerrainSceneNodeFromRawData ( float data, int width, SceneNode parent, int id, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D scale, Color vertexColor, int maxLOD, TerrainPatchSize patchSize, int smoothFactor ) : TerrainSceneNode
data float
width int
parent SceneNode
id int
position IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
rotation IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
scale IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
vertexColor Color
maxLOD int
patchSize TerrainPatchSize
smoothFactor int
Результат TerrainSceneNode

AddTextSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a 3D rendered text scene node to the scene
public AddTextSceneNode ( GUIFont font, string text, Color color, SceneNode parent ) : TextSceneNode
font GUIFont Font
text string Text (can be changed later)
color Color Color
parent SceneNode Its parent
Результат TextSceneNode

AddTextSceneNodeW() публичный Метод

public AddTextSceneNodeW ( GUIFont font, string text, Color color, SceneNode parent ) : TextSceneNode
font GUIFont
text string
color Color
parent SceneNode
Результат TextSceneNode

AddToDeletionQueue() публичный Метод

Adds a node to the deletion queue (it will be deleted immediately when it is secure)
public AddToDeletionQueue ( SceneNode node ) : void
node SceneNode A SceneNode
Результат void

AddTreeSceneNode() публичный Метод

public AddTreeSceneNode ( string XMLString, SceneNode parent, int id, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D scale, Texture TreeTexture, Texture LeafTexture, Texture BillTexture ) : SceneNode
XMLString string
parent SceneNode
id int
position IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
rotation IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
scale IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
TreeTexture Texture
LeafTexture Texture
BillTexture Texture
Результат SceneNode

AddTreeSceneNode() публичный Метод

public AddTreeSceneNode ( string XMLString, SceneNode parent, int id, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D position, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D scale, Texture TreeTexture, Texture LeafTexture, Texture BillTexture, int LeafMaterial ) : SceneNode
XMLString string
parent SceneNode
id int
position IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
rotation IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
scale IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
TreeTexture Texture
LeafTexture Texture
BillTexture Texture
LeafMaterial int
Результат SceneNode

AddWaterSurfaceSceneNode() публичный Метод

Adds a water surface based on a hill mesh (use AddHillPlaneMesh). Looks good when material is TransparentReflection
public AddWaterSurfaceSceneNode ( Mesh hillMesh, float waveH, float waveS, float waveL, SceneNode parent, int id ) : SceneNode
hillMesh Mesh Hill mesh the water is based on
waveH float Height of waves
waveS float Speed of waves
waveL float Length of waves
parent SceneNode Parent of the node
id int ID (-1 for automatic assign.)
Результат SceneNode

Clear() публичный Метод

public Clear ( ) : void
Результат void

CreateCollisionResponseAnimator() публичный Метод

Creates a simple animator for collision detection
public CreateCollisionResponseAnimator ( TriangleSelector world, SceneNode node, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D ellipsoidRadius, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D gravityPerSecond, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D ellipsoidTranslation, float slidingValue ) : Animator
world TriangleSelector "World", meaning the triangle selector of the terrain/map
node SceneNode Node. Notice that this node MUST BE THE ONE THE ANIMATOR IS ADDED
ellipsoidRadius IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D Ellipsoid radius. Usually it's the difference between the node's skybox's max edge and its center
gravityPerSecond IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D How much gravity (don't try (0, -100000, 0), even on Jupiter you wouldn't have such gravity)
ellipsoidTranslation IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D By default (0, 0, 0), meaning the center of the scene node. You can modify it if needed
slidingValue float Sliding value, usually 0.0005f
Результат Animator

CreateDeleteAnimator() публичный Метод

Creates an animator that will delete the node after X miliseconds
public CreateDeleteAnimator ( uint timeMS ) : Animator
timeMS uint Number of miliseconds
Результат Animator

CreateFlyCircleAnimator() публичный Метод

Creates an animator that will fly around a center
public CreateFlyCircleAnimator ( IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D center, float radius, float speed ) : Animator
center IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D Center
radius float Radius
speed float Speed
Результат Animator

CreateFlyStraightAnimator() публичный Метод

Creates an animator that will fly from one point to... another one !
public CreateFlyStraightAnimator ( IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D start, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D end, uint time, bool loop ) : Animator
start IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D Start
end IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D End
time uint Time needed
loop bool May the movement be looped ?
Результат Animator

CreateFollowSplineAnimator() публичный Метод

public CreateFollowSplineAnimator ( int startTime, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D points, float speed, float tightness ) : Animator
startTime int
points IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
speed float
tightness float
Результат Animator

CreateMeshWriter() публичный Метод

public CreateMeshWriter ( MeshWriterType type ) : MeshWriter
type MeshWriterType
Результат MeshWriter

CreateMetaTriangleSelector() публичный Метод

A meta triangle selector is nothing more than a collection of one or more triangle selectors providing together the interface of one triangle selector. In this way, collision tests can be done with different triangle soups in one pass.
public CreateMetaTriangleSelector ( ) : MetaTriangleSelector
Результат MetaTriangleSelector

CreateNewSceneManager() публичный Метод

Creates a new scene manager.
public CreateNewSceneManager ( bool copycontent ) : SceneManager
copycontent bool /// Should the content to be copied to the new location, /// or keeped as a reference ///
Результат SceneManager

CreateOctTreeTriangleSelector() публичный Метод

Creates an optimized collision detector based on OctTrees
public CreateOctTreeTriangleSelector ( Mesh mesh, SceneNode node, int minimalPolysPerNode ) : TriangleSelector
mesh Mesh Mesh from your node
node SceneNode Node
minimalPolysPerNode int Specifies the minimal polygons contained a octree node. If a node gets less polys the this value, it will not be splitted into smaller nodes.
Результат TriangleSelector

CreateRotationAnimator() публичный Метод

Creates a simple animator that will rotate.
public CreateRotationAnimator ( IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D rotation ) : Animator
rotation IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D Rotation
Результат Animator

CreateTerrainTriangleSelector() публичный Метод

Creates an optimized-for-terrain triangle selector
public CreateTerrainTriangleSelector ( TerrainSceneNode terrain, int LOD ) : TriangleSelector
terrain TerrainSceneNode Terrain whose the mesh is used
LOD int Level of Detail, 0 is for the maximal
Результат TriangleSelector

CreateTextureAnimator() публичный Метод

Creates an animator that will switch every [timePerFrame] miliseconds the textures of the node.
public CreateTextureAnimator ( Texture textures, int timePerFrame, bool loop ) : Animator
textures Texture List of textures
timePerFrame int Time (miliseconds) between each switch
loop bool Does the animation loop ?
Результат Animator

CreateTriangleSelector() публичный Метод

Creates a basic triangle selector based on a mesh
public CreateTriangleSelector ( Mesh mesh, SceneNode node ) : TriangleSelector
mesh Mesh The MESH !
node SceneNode Scene node, you NEED TO ADD THIS SELECTOR WITH SceneNode.TriangleSelector !
Результат TriangleSelector

CreateTriangleSelectorFromBoundingBox() публичный Метод

Creates the basic boundingbox-based triangle selector. Useful for a basic collision detection that doesn't need polygon precision
public CreateTriangleSelectorFromBoundingBox ( SceneNode node ) : TriangleSelector
node SceneNode The node it is taken from
Результат TriangleSelector

DrawAll() публичный Метод

Draws the whole scene. MUST be called between Driver.BeginScene and Driver.EndScene
public DrawAll ( ) : void
Результат void

GetMesh() публичный Метод

Retrieves the mesh from a file
public GetMesh ( string name ) : AnimatedMesh
name string Path to the mesh file.
Результат AnimatedMesh

GetMeshFromReadFile() публичный Метод

Retrieves the mesh from an IReadFile interface (can also be in-memory)
public GetMeshFromReadFile ( IntPtr readFile ) : AnimatedMesh
readFile System.IntPtr
Результат AnimatedMesh

GetSceneNodeFromID() публичный Метод

Retrieves a Scene node by id.
public GetSceneNodeFromID ( int id ) : SceneNode
id int The ID of the node.
Результат SceneNode

GetSceneNodeFromName() публичный Метод

Retrieves a scene node from its name.
public GetSceneNodeFromName ( string name ) : SceneNode
name string The name of the node
Результат SceneNode

GetSceneNodeFromType() публичный Метод

Returns the first scene node with the specified type.
public GetSceneNodeFromType ( SceneNodeType type, SceneNode start ) : SceneNode
type SceneNodeType /// A SceneNodeType used for searching ///
start SceneNode /// A first scene node searching should start from ///
Результат SceneNode

LoadScene() публичный Метод

Loads a scene. Note that the current scene is not cleared before.
public LoadScene ( string filename ) : void
filename string File where the scene is going to be saved into.
Результат void

LoadScene() публичный Метод

Loads a scene. Note that the current scene is not cleared before.
public LoadScene ( string filename, SceneNode parent ) : void
filename string File where the scene is going to be saved into.
parent SceneNode
Результат void

PostEventFromUser() публичный Метод

Posts an input event to the environment. Usefull for new created SceneManagers
public PostEventFromUser ( Event ev ) : bool
ev Event /// An event struct from the EventReceiver ///
Результат bool

RegisterNodeForRendering() публичный Метод

Registers a node for rendering it at a specific time.
public RegisterNodeForRendering ( SceneNode node ) : void
node SceneNode Node to register for drawing. Usually scene nodes would set 'this' as parameter here because they want to be drawn.
Результат void

RegisterNodeForRendering() публичный Метод

Registers a node for rendering it at a specific time.
public RegisterNodeForRendering ( SceneNode node, SceneNodeRenderPass pass ) : void
node SceneNode Node to register for drawing. Usually scene nodes would set 'this' as parameter here because they want to be drawn.
pass SceneNodeRenderPass Specifies when the mode wants to be drawn in relation to the other nodes. For example, if the node is a shadow, it usually wants to be drawn after all other nodes and will use Shadow for this.
Результат void

SaveScene() публичный Метод

Saves the current scene into a file.
public SaveScene ( string filename ) : void
filename string File where the scene is saved into.
Результат void

SceneManager() публичный Метод

public SceneManager ( IntPtr raw ) : System
raw System.IntPtr An IntPtr
Результат System

SetAmbientLight() публичный Метод

public SetAmbientLight ( IrrlichtNETCP.Colorf color ) : void
color IrrlichtNETCP.Colorf
Результат void