C# Класс ImsInformed.Workflows.CrossSectionExtraction.CrossSectionWorkfow

Find molecules with a given empirical formula and given ionization methods. Developed based on LCMS Peptide Search Workflow
Наследование: IDisposable
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
NumberOfFrames int
NumberOfScans int
uimfReader DataReader

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
peakDetector ChromPeakDetector
smoother SavitzkyGolaySmoother
theoreticalFeatureGenerator ITheorFeatureGenerator

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CrossSectionWorkfow ( string uimfFileLocation, string outputDirectory, CrossSectionSearchParameters parameters ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CrossSectionWorkfow class.

Dispose ( ) : void

The dispose.

Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

The dispose.

RunCrossSectionWorkFlow ( IImsTarget target, bool detailedVerbose = true ) : CrossSectionWorkflowResult

The run molecule informed work flow.

RunCrossSectionWorkFlow ( IEnumerable targetList, bool detailedVerbose = true ) : IList

The run cross section work flow.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
FindPeaksBasedOnXIC ( VoltageGroup voltageGroup, ExtractedIonChromatogram chromatogram, IImsTarget target ) : List

The find peaks based on xic.

ReportAnslysisResultAndMetrics ( CrossSectionWorkflowResult informedResult, bool detailedVerbose = true ) : void

The report anslysis result and metrics.

ReportFeatureEvaluation ( StandardImsPeak peak, PeakScores scores, bool verbose, IImsTarget target, bool badScanRange, bool lowAbsoluteIntensity, bool lowRelativeIntensity, bool badPeakShape, bool lowIsotopicAffinity ) : string

The report feature evaluation.

ReportIsomersInfo ( IEnumerable allIsomers ) : void

The report isomers info.

ReportTargetInfo ( IImsTarget target, bool verbose ) : void

The report target info.

ReportTrackInformation ( AssociationHypothesis hypothesis, bool hasCompositionInfo, bool verbose ) : void

The report track information.

ResetTraceListenerToTarget ( IImsTarget target, string datasetName ) : FileStream

The reset trace listener to target.

Описание методов

CrossSectionWorkfow() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the CrossSectionWorkfow class.
public CrossSectionWorkfow ( string uimfFileLocation, string outputDirectory, CrossSectionSearchParameters parameters ) : System
uimfFileLocation string /// The uimf file location. ///
outputDirectory string /// The output directory. ///
parameters CrossSectionSearchParameters /// The parameters. ///
Результат System

Dispose() публичный Метод

The dispose.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

Dispose() публичный Метод

The dispose.
public Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool /// The disposing. ///
Результат void

RunCrossSectionWorkFlow() публичный Метод

The run molecule informed work flow.
public RunCrossSectionWorkFlow ( IImsTarget target, bool detailedVerbose = true ) : CrossSectionWorkflowResult
target IImsTarget /// The Target. ///
detailedVerbose bool ///
Результат CrossSectionWorkflowResult

RunCrossSectionWorkFlow() публичный Метод

The run cross section work flow.
public RunCrossSectionWorkFlow ( IEnumerable targetList, bool detailedVerbose = true ) : IList
targetList IEnumerable /// The target list. ///
detailedVerbose bool /// The detailed verbose. ///
Результат IList

Описание свойств

NumberOfFrames публичное свойство

The number of frames.
public int NumberOfFrames
Результат int

NumberOfScans публичное свойство

The number of scans.
public int NumberOfScans
Результат int

peakDetector защищенное свойство

The _peak detector.
protected ChromPeakDetector peakDetector
Результат ChromPeakDetector

smoother защищенное свойство

The smoother.
protected SavitzkyGolaySmoother smoother
Результат SavitzkyGolaySmoother

theoreticalFeatureGenerator защищенное свойство

The theoretical feature generator.
protected ITheorFeatureGenerator theoreticalFeatureGenerator
Результат ITheorFeatureGenerator

uimfReader публичное свойство

The UIMF reader.
public DataReader uimfReader
Результат DataReader