C# Класс ImgurNet.ApiEndpoints.NotifcationEndpoint

Наследование: BaseEndpoint
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetNotificationAsync ( string notificationId ) : Task>>

Get a specific notification

GetNotificationsAsync ( bool onlyShowNew = true ) : Task>

Get a list of all notifications from the authorized account

NotifcationEndpoint ( Imgur imgur ) : System

SetNotificationViewedAsync ( string notificationId ) : Task>

Marks a notification as viewed, this way it no longer shows up in the basic notification request

Описание методов

GetNotificationAsync() публичный Метод

Get a specific notification
public GetNotificationAsync ( string notificationId ) : Task>>
notificationId string The notification to get data for
Результат Task>>

GetNotificationsAsync() публичный Метод

Get a list of all notifications from the authorized account
public GetNotificationsAsync ( bool onlyShowNew = true ) : Task>
onlyShowNew bool Only retrieve new notifications (un-viewed)
Результат Task>

NotifcationEndpoint() публичный Метод

public NotifcationEndpoint ( Imgur imgur ) : System
imgur Imgur
Результат System

SetNotificationViewedAsync() публичный Метод

Marks a notification as viewed, this way it no longer shows up in the basic notification request
public SetNotificationViewedAsync ( string notificationId ) : Task>
notificationId string The notification to mark as viewed
Результат Task>