C# Класс ImgurNet.ApiEndpoints.ConversationEndpoint

Наследование: BaseEndpoint
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BlockConversationSenderAsync ( string username ) : Task>

Block the user from sending messages to the user that is logged in.

ConversationEndpoint ( Imgur imgurClient ) : System

CreateConversationAsync ( string recipientUsername, string messageBody ) : Task>

Create a new conversation

DeleteConversationAsync ( int id ) : Task>

Delete a conversation

GetConversationAsync ( int id ) : Task>

Get list of all conversations for the authenticated in user

GetConversationListAsync ( ) : Task>

Get list of all conversations for the authenticated in user

ReportConversationSenderAsync ( string username ) : Task>

Report a user for sending messages that are against the Terms of Service.

Описание методов

BlockConversationSenderAsync() публичный Метод

Block the user from sending messages to the user that is logged in.
public BlockConversationSenderAsync ( string username ) : Task>
username string The username of the person to block
Результат Task>

ConversationEndpoint() публичный Метод

public ConversationEndpoint ( Imgur imgurClient ) : System
imgurClient Imgur
Результат System

CreateConversationAsync() публичный Метод

Create a new conversation
public CreateConversationAsync ( string recipientUsername, string messageBody ) : Task>
recipientUsername string The username of the recipient
messageBody string The body of the message
Результат Task>

DeleteConversationAsync() публичный Метод

Delete a conversation
public DeleteConversationAsync ( int id ) : Task>
id int The Id of the conversation
Результат Task>

GetConversationAsync() публичный Метод

Get list of all conversations for the authenticated in user
public GetConversationAsync ( int id ) : Task>
id int The Id of the conversation
Результат Task>

GetConversationListAsync() публичный Метод

Get list of all conversations for the authenticated in user
public GetConversationListAsync ( ) : Task>
Результат Task>

ReportConversationSenderAsync() публичный Метод

Report a user for sending messages that are against the Terms of Service.
public ReportConversationSenderAsync ( string username ) : Task>
username string The username of the sender
Результат Task>