C# Класс ImageManipulation.Quantizer

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Quantize ( Image source ) : Bitmap

Quantize an image and return the resulting output bitmap.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
FirstPass ( BitmapData sourceData, int width, int height ) : void

Execute the first pass through the pixels in the image.

GetPalette ( System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette original ) : System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette

Retrieve the palette for the quantized image.

InitialQuantizePixel ( Color32 pixel ) : void

Override this to process the pixel in the first pass of the algorithm.

This function need only be overridden if your quantize algorithm needs two passes, such as an Octree quantizer.

QuantizePixel ( Color32 pixel ) : byte

Override this to process the pixel in the second pass of the algorithm.

Quantizer ( bool singlePass ) : System

Construct the quantizer.

If you construct this class with a true value for singlePass, then the code will, when quantizing your image, only call the 'QuantizeImage' function. If two passes are required, the code will call 'InitialQuantizeImage' and then 'QuantizeImage'.

SecondPass ( BitmapData sourceData, Bitmap output, int width, int height, Rectangle bounds ) : void

Execute a second pass through the bitmap.

Описание методов

FirstPass() защищенный Метод

Execute the first pass through the pixels in the image.
protected FirstPass ( BitmapData sourceData, int width, int height ) : void
sourceData System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData The source data.
width int The width in pixels of the image.
height int The height in pixels of the image.
Результат void

GetPalette() защищенный абстрактный Метод

Retrieve the palette for the quantized image.
protected abstract GetPalette ( System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette original ) : System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette
original System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette Any old palette, this is overwritten.
Результат System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette

InitialQuantizePixel() защищенный Метод

Override this to process the pixel in the first pass of the algorithm.
This function need only be overridden if your quantize algorithm needs two passes, such as an Octree quantizer.
protected InitialQuantizePixel ( Color32 pixel ) : void
pixel Color32 The pixel to quantize.
Результат void

Quantize() публичный Метод

Quantize an image and return the resulting output bitmap.
public Quantize ( Image source ) : Bitmap
source Image The image to quantize.
Результат System.Drawing.Bitmap

QuantizePixel() защищенный абстрактный Метод

Override this to process the pixel in the second pass of the algorithm.
protected abstract QuantizePixel ( Color32 pixel ) : byte
pixel Color32 The pixel to quantize.
Результат byte

Quantizer() защищенный Метод

Construct the quantizer.
If you construct this class with a true value for singlePass, then the code will, when quantizing your image, only call the 'QuantizeImage' function. If two passes are required, the code will call 'InitialQuantizeImage' and then 'QuantizeImage'.
protected Quantizer ( bool singlePass ) : System
singlePass bool If true, the quantization only needs to loop through the source pixels once.
Результат System

SecondPass() защищенный Метод

Execute a second pass through the bitmap.
protected SecondPass ( BitmapData sourceData, Bitmap output, int width, int height, Rectangle bounds ) : void
sourceData System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData The source bitmap, locked into memory.
output System.Drawing.Bitmap The output bitmap.
width int The width in pixels of the image.
height int The height in pixels of the image.
bounds System.Drawing.Rectangle The bounding rectangle.
Результат void