C# Класс Hypermedia.JsonApi.JsonApiEntityCache

Наследование: IJsonApiEntityCache
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
TryAdd ( string type, string id, object value ) : bool

Attempts to add an element with the provided key and value to the T:Hypermedia.JsonApi.IJsonApiEntityCache.

TryGetValue ( string type, string id, object &value ) : bool

Attempts to get the entity from the cache.

Описание методов

TryAdd() публичный Метод

Attempts to add an element with the provided key and value to the T:Hypermedia.JsonApi.IJsonApiEntityCache.
public TryAdd ( string type, string id, object value ) : bool
type string The resource type of the entity that is being added.
id string The ID to assign to the entity that is being added.
value object The object to use as the value of the element to add.
Результат bool

TryGetValue() публичный Метод

Attempts to get the entity from the cache.
public TryGetValue ( string type, string id, object &value ) : bool
type string The resource type of the entity to find.
id string The ID of the entity to find.
value object The entity that is associated with the given type and ID, otherwise the default value is returned.
Результат bool