C# Класс GoogleCloudExtension.PublishDialogSteps.ChoiceStep.ChoiceStepViewModel

The view model for the publish dialog step that allows the user to choose the target for the publish process. This is always the first step to be shown in the wizard, and it navigates to the step specified by the user pressing the choice button.
Наследование: GoogleCloudExtension.PublishDialog.PublishDialogStepBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateStep ( ) : IPublishDialogStep
OnPushedToDialog ( IPublishDialog dialog ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ChoiceStepViewModel ( ChoiceStepContent content ) : GoogleCloudExtension.PublishDialog
GetChoicesForCurrentProject ( ) : IEnumerable
OnAppEngineChoiceCommand ( ) : void
OnGceChoiceCommand ( ) : void

Описание методов

CreateStep() публичный статический Метод

public static CreateStep ( ) : IPublishDialogStep
Результат IPublishDialogStep

OnPushedToDialog() публичный Метод

public OnPushedToDialog ( IPublishDialog dialog ) : void
dialog IPublishDialog
Результат void