C# Класс GoogleCloudExtension.DataSources.DatabaseInstanceExtensions

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
UpdateAuthorizedNetworks ( DatabaseInstance instance, IList acls ) : void

Update the authorized networks of a instance. This completely replaces the current list of networks with the new list.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
EnsureAuthorizedNetworksInitialized ( DatabaseInstance instance ) : void

Ensure the Authorized Networks field and all of its parents are initialized for an instance.

Описание методов

UpdateAuthorizedNetworks() публичный статический Метод

Update the authorized networks of a instance. This completely replaces the current list of networks with the new list.
public static UpdateAuthorizedNetworks ( DatabaseInstance instance, IList acls ) : void
instance DatabaseInstance
acls IList
Результат void