C# Класс Goedel.Mesh.Platform.RegistrationMachine

Describes a set of registered profiles on a particular machine, usually the current machine.
Наследование: Registration
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add ( SignedApplicationProfile SignedApplicationProfile ) : RegistrationApplication

Add the associated profile to the machine store.

Add ( SignedDeviceProfile SignedDeviceProfile ) : RegistrationDevice

Add the associated profile to the machine store.

Add ( SignedPersonalProfile SignedPersonalProfile, string PortalAddress ) : RegistrationPersonal

Add the associated profile to the machine store.

Add ( Registration Registration ) : void

Add the associated profile to the machine store.

Add ( RegistrationApplication Registration ) : void

Add the associated registration to the machine store.

Add ( RegistrationDevice Registration ) : void

Add the associated registration to the machine store.

Add ( RegistrationPersonal Registration ) : void

Add the associated registration to the machine store.

Erase ( ) : void

Erase the profile and associated keys.

Get ( ApplicationProfileEntry Profile ) : RegistrationApplication

Locate the specified application profile.

GetID ( string ID, RegistrationDevice &Registration ) : bool

Get a device registration by identifier

GetUDF ( string UDF, RegistrationDevice &Registration ) : bool

Get a device registration by fingerprint

Refresh ( ) : void

Fetch the latest version of the profile version

RegistrationMachine ( ) : System

Default constructor, get values from the current machine.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
DirectoryDelete ( string Path ) : void
Fill ( ) : void

Fetch the latest version of the profile version

Описание методов

Add() публичный Метод

Add the associated profile to the machine store.
public Add ( SignedApplicationProfile SignedApplicationProfile ) : RegistrationApplication
SignedApplicationProfile SignedApplicationProfile Profile to add.
Результат RegistrationApplication

Add() публичный Метод

Add the associated profile to the machine store.
public Add ( SignedDeviceProfile SignedDeviceProfile ) : RegistrationDevice
SignedDeviceProfile SignedDeviceProfile Profile to add.
Результат RegistrationDevice

Add() публичный Метод

Add the associated profile to the machine store.
public Add ( SignedPersonalProfile SignedPersonalProfile, string PortalAddress ) : RegistrationPersonal
SignedPersonalProfile SignedPersonalProfile Profile to add
PortalAddress string Portal to add profile to
Результат RegistrationPersonal

Add() публичный Метод

Add the associated profile to the machine store.
public Add ( Registration Registration ) : void
Registration Registration Profile to add.
Результат void

Add() публичный Метод

Add the associated registration to the machine store.
public Add ( RegistrationApplication Registration ) : void
Registration RegistrationApplication Profile to add.
Результат void

Add() публичный Метод

Add the associated registration to the machine store.
public Add ( RegistrationDevice Registration ) : void
Registration RegistrationDevice Profile to add.
Результат void

Add() публичный Метод

Add the associated registration to the machine store.
public Add ( RegistrationPersonal Registration ) : void
Registration RegistrationPersonal Profile to add.
Результат void

Erase() публичный статический Метод

Erase the profile and associated keys.
public static Erase ( ) : void
Результат void

Get() публичный Метод

Locate the specified application profile.
public Get ( ApplicationProfileEntry Profile ) : RegistrationApplication
Profile ApplicationProfileEntry Profile entry for requested application.
Результат RegistrationApplication

GetID() публичный Метод

Get a device registration by identifier
public GetID ( string ID, RegistrationDevice &Registration ) : bool
ID string Registration to get
Registration RegistrationDevice The registration if found, null otherwise.
Результат bool

GetUDF() публичный Метод

Get a device registration by fingerprint
public GetUDF ( string UDF, RegistrationDevice &Registration ) : bool
UDF string Registration to get
Registration RegistrationDevice The registration if found, null otherwise.
Результат bool

Refresh() публичный Метод

Fetch the latest version of the profile version
public Refresh ( ) : void
Результат void

RegistrationMachine() публичный Метод

Default constructor, get values from the current machine.
public RegistrationMachine ( ) : System
Результат System