C# Класс GStreamer.Playbin

The GStreamer Playbin.
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
changeState void
getTag Tag
getVideoInfo VideoInfo
gst_binding_deinit void
gst_binding_get_duration ulong
gst_binding_get_position ulong
gst_binding_get_tag System.IntPtr
gst_binding_get_video_info System.IntPtr
gst_binding_get_visuals_list System.IntPtr
gst_binding_get_volume int
gst_binding_has_video bool
gst_binding_init System.IntPtr
gst_binding_load bool
gst_binding_pause void
gst_binding_play void
gst_binding_set_buffer_cb void
gst_binding_set_eos_cb void
gst_binding_set_error_cb void
gst_binding_set_info_cb void
gst_binding_set_position void
gst_binding_set_tag_cb void
gst_binding_set_track void
gst_binding_set_visual void
gst_binding_set_volume void
gst_binding_set_xid void
gst_binding_unload void
onBuffer void
onEos void
onError void
onInfo void
onTag void
throwError void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( ) : void

Disposes the GStreamer library.

Initiate ( ) : bool

Load the GStreamer library.

Initiate ( ulong x_window_id ) : bool

Load the GStreamer library and attach it to the specified window.

Load ( string uri ) : bool

Loads the specified path into the GStreamer library.

Pause ( ) : void

Pauses the loaded media file.

Play ( ) : void

Plays the loaded media file.

Seek ( System.TimeSpan time, float speed ) : void

Seeks to the nearest millisecond on the media file.

Seek ( double milliseconds, float speed ) : void

Seeks to the nearest millisecond on the media file.

SeekToTrack ( int track_number ) : void

Seeks to the specified track number.

SetWindow ( ulong window_id ) : void

Changes the window to which video playback is attached to.

Unload ( ) : void

Unloads the media file.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
changeState ( MediaStatus state ) : void
getTag ( IntPtr ptr ) : Tag
getVideoInfo ( IntPtr ptr ) : VideoInfo
gst_binding_deinit ( HandleRef play ) : void
gst_binding_get_duration ( HandleRef play ) : ulong
gst_binding_get_position ( HandleRef play ) : ulong
gst_binding_get_tag ( HandleRef play ) : IntPtr
gst_binding_get_video_info ( HandleRef play ) : IntPtr
gst_binding_get_visuals_list ( HandleRef play ) : IntPtr
gst_binding_get_volume ( HandleRef play ) : int
gst_binding_has_video ( HandleRef play ) : bool
gst_binding_init ( ulong xwin ) : IntPtr
gst_binding_load ( HandleRef play, string uri ) : bool
gst_binding_pause ( HandleRef play ) : void
gst_binding_play ( HandleRef play ) : void
gst_binding_set_buffer_cb ( HandleRef play, bufferCallback cb ) : void
gst_binding_set_eos_cb ( HandleRef play, eosCallback cb ) : void
gst_binding_set_error_cb ( HandleRef play, errorCallback cb ) : void
gst_binding_set_info_cb ( HandleRef play, infoCallback cb ) : void
gst_binding_set_position ( HandleRef play, ulong pos, float speed ) : void
gst_binding_set_tag_cb ( HandleRef play, tagCallback cb ) : void
gst_binding_set_track ( HandleRef play, ulong track_number ) : void
gst_binding_set_visual ( HandleRef play, string vis_name ) : void
gst_binding_set_volume ( HandleRef play, int vol ) : void
gst_binding_set_xid ( HandleRef play, ulong xid ) : void
gst_binding_unload ( HandleRef play ) : void
onBuffer ( int progress ) : void
onEos ( ) : void
onError ( string error, string debug ) : void
onInfo ( IntPtr ptr ) : void
onTag ( IntPtr ptr ) : void
throwError ( string error, string debug ) : void

Описание методов

Dispose() публичный Метод

Disposes the GStreamer library.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

Initiate() публичный Метод

Load the GStreamer library.
public Initiate ( ) : bool
Результат bool

Initiate() публичный Метод

Load the GStreamer library and attach it to the specified window.
public Initiate ( ulong x_window_id ) : bool
x_window_id ulong
Результат bool

Load() публичный Метод

Loads the specified path into the GStreamer library.
public Load ( string uri ) : bool
uri string
Результат bool

Pause() публичный Метод

Pauses the loaded media file.
public Pause ( ) : void
Результат void

Play() публичный Метод

Plays the loaded media file.
public Play ( ) : void
Результат void

Seek() публичный Метод

Seeks to the nearest millisecond on the media file.
public Seek ( System.TimeSpan time, float speed ) : void
time System.TimeSpan
speed float
Результат void

Seek() публичный Метод

Seeks to the nearest millisecond on the media file.
public Seek ( double milliseconds, float speed ) : void
milliseconds double
speed float
Результат void

SeekToTrack() публичный Метод

Seeks to the specified track number.
public SeekToTrack ( int track_number ) : void
track_number int
Результат void

SetWindow() публичный Метод

Changes the window to which video playback is attached to.
public SetWindow ( ulong window_id ) : void
window_id ulong
Результат void

Unload() публичный Метод

Unloads the media file.
public Unload ( ) : void
Результат void