C# Класс GSF.Media.WaveDataChunk

Represents the data chunk in a WAVE media format file.
Наследование: RiffChunk, ISupportBinaryImage
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Clone ( ) : WaveDataChunk

Creates a deeply cloned copy of the WaveDataChunk.

GenerateBinaryImage ( byte buffer, int startIndex ) : int

Generates a binary representation of this WaveDataChunk and copies it into the given buffer.

WaveDataChunk ( RiffChunk preRead, Stream source, WaveFormatChunk waveFormat ) : System

Reads a new WAVE format section from the specified stream.

WaveDataChunk ( WaveFormatChunk waveFormat ) : System

Constructs a new WAVE data chunk for the specified format.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ISupportBinaryImage ( byte buffer, int startIndex, int length ) : int

Описание методов

Clone() публичный Метод

Creates a deeply cloned copy of the WaveDataChunk.
public Clone ( ) : WaveDataChunk
Результат WaveDataChunk

GenerateBinaryImage() публичный Метод

Generates a binary representation of this WaveDataChunk and copies it into the given buffer.
is null. /// or is less than 0 -or- /// and will exceed length. ///
public GenerateBinaryImage ( byte buffer, int startIndex ) : int
buffer byte Buffer used to hold generated binary image of the source object.
startIndex int 0-based starting index in the to start writing.
Результат int

WaveDataChunk() публичный Метод

Reads a new WAVE format section from the specified stream.
WAVE format or extra parameters section too small, wave file corrupted.
public WaveDataChunk ( RiffChunk preRead, Stream source, WaveFormatChunk waveFormat ) : System
preRead RiffChunk Pre-parsed header.
source Stream Source stream to read data from.
waveFormat WaveFormatChunk Format of the data section to be parsed.
Результат System

WaveDataChunk() публичный Метод

Constructs a new WAVE data chunk for the specified format.
public WaveDataChunk ( WaveFormatChunk waveFormat ) : System
waveFormat WaveFormatChunk that describes this .
Результат System