C# Класс GPS.ViewModels.PhotoAreaViewModel

View Model that is used by the PhotoArea user control.
Наследование: OcrViewModelBase
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
PhotoAreaViewModel ( OcrData ocrData, OcrConversionStateManager ocrConversionStateManager ) : System.ComponentModel

Initializes a new instance of the PhotoAreaViewModel class.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
OcrData_PropertyChanged ( object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnPhotoStreamChanged ( ) : void

Must be called after the photo stream stored by this.OcrData changed. This will in turn update all properties that are related to the photo.

SetPhotoAngle ( int exifOrientationFlag ) : void

Sets the this.PhotoAngle field based on the photo orientation.

SetPhotoSource ( Stream photoStream ) : void

Sets the this.PhotoSource field based on photoStream.

Описание методов

PhotoAreaViewModel() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the PhotoAreaViewModel class.
public PhotoAreaViewModel ( OcrData ocrData, OcrConversionStateManager ocrConversionStateManager ) : System.ComponentModel
ocrData GPS.Data.OcrData /// A reference to the OcrData instance that stores the /// photo stream and the text obtained after the OCR conversion. ///
ocrConversionStateManager GPS.Data.OcrConversionStateManager /// A reference to the OcrConversionStateManager instance that stores the /// status of the last OCR conversion. ///
Результат System.ComponentModel