C# Класс Fluqi.Widget.jAccordion.Options

A set of properties to apply to a set of jQuery UI Accordion.
Properties not yet supported: header
Наследование: Core.Options
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
SetAnimate ( Core effect ) : Options

If and how to animate changing panels.

SetAnimate ( string animated ) : Options

If and how to animate changing panels.

SetCollapsible ( bool collapsible ) : Options

Whether all the sections can be closed at once. Allows collapsing the active section.

SetContainerTag ( string containerTag ) : Options

Sets the container tag (outer accordion HTML element) that contains all panels. By default this is DIV.

SetContentTag ( string contentTag ) : Options

Sets the tag to use for the content of all panels, by default this is DIV.

SetDisabled ( bool disabled ) : Options

Disables the accordion if set to true

SetEvent ( Core browserEvent ) : Options

The event that accordion headers will react to in order to activate the associated panel.

SetEvent ( string evt ) : Options

The event that accordion headers will react to in order to activate the associated panel. Multiple events can be specificed, separated by a space

SetHeadingTag ( string headingTag ) : Options

Sets the tag to use for the heading of all panels, by default this is H3.

SetHeightStyle ( Core style ) : Options

Controls the height of the accordion and each panel. Possible values are "auto", "fill" and "content".

SetHeightStyle ( string style ) : Options

Controls the height of the accordion and each panel. Possible values are "auto", "fill" and "content".

SetIcons ( Core headerIconClass, Core activeHeaderIconClass ) : Options

Icons to use for headers, matching an icon defined by the jQuery UI CSS Framework.

Overload for specifying icons through an enumeration (so you get the itellisense when finding them). See http://api.jqueryui.com/accordion/#option-icons for details

SetIcons ( string headerIconClass, string activeHeaderIconClass ) : Options

Icons to use for headers, matching an icon defined by the jQuery UI CSS Framework.

SetIconsOff ( ) : Options

Icons to use for headers, matching an icon defined by the jQuery UI CSS Framework.

Описание методов

SetAnimate() публичный Метод

If and how to animate changing panels.
public SetAnimate ( Core effect ) : Options
effect Core Name of easing to use with default duration.
Результат Options

SetAnimate() публичный Метод

If and how to animate changing panels.
public SetAnimate ( string animated ) : Options
animated string Name of easing to use with default duration.
Результат Options

SetCollapsible() публичный Метод

Whether all the sections can be closed at once. Allows collapsing the active section.
public SetCollapsible ( bool collapsible ) : Options
collapsible bool Flags whether collapsible is on or off
Результат Options

SetContainerTag() публичный Метод

Sets the container tag (outer accordion HTML element) that contains all panels. By default this is DIV.
public SetContainerTag ( string containerTag ) : Options
containerTag string Container tag to use, e.g. DL, DIV, etc
Результат Options

SetContentTag() публичный Метод

Sets the tag to use for the content of all panels, by default this is DIV.
public SetContentTag ( string contentTag ) : Options
contentTag string Content tag to use, e.g. P or DT
Результат Options

SetDisabled() публичный Метод

Disables the accordion if set to true
public SetDisabled ( bool disabled ) : Options
disabled bool Disables the accordion if set to true
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SetEvent() публичный Метод

The event that accordion headers will react to in order to activate the associated panel.
public SetEvent ( Core browserEvent ) : Options
browserEvent Core Event to kick off changing of panes
Результат Options

SetEvent() публичный Метод

The event that accordion headers will react to in order to activate the associated panel. Multiple events can be specificed, separated by a space
public SetEvent ( string evt ) : Options
evt string Event to use to open a tab
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SetHeadingTag() публичный Метод

Sets the tag to use for the heading of all panels, by default this is H3.
public SetHeadingTag ( string headingTag ) : Options
headingTag string Heading tag to use, e.g. H2
Результат Options

SetHeightStyle() публичный Метод

Controls the height of the accordion and each panel. Possible values are "auto", "fill" and "content".
public SetHeightStyle ( Core style ) : Options
style Core Style to use
Результат Options

SetHeightStyle() публичный Метод

Controls the height of the accordion and each panel. Possible values are "auto", "fill" and "content".
public SetHeightStyle ( string style ) : Options
style string Style to use
Результат Options

SetIcons() публичный Метод

Icons to use for headers, matching an icon defined by the jQuery UI CSS Framework.
Overload for specifying icons through an enumeration (so you get the itellisense when finding them). See http://api.jqueryui.com/accordion/#option-icons for details
public SetIcons ( Core headerIconClass, Core activeHeaderIconClass ) : Options
headerIconClass Core
activeHeaderIconClass Core
Результат Options

SetIcons() публичный Метод

Icons to use for headers, matching an icon defined by the jQuery UI CSS Framework.
public SetIcons ( string headerIconClass, string activeHeaderIconClass ) : Options
headerIconClass string
activeHeaderIconClass string
Результат Options

SetIconsOff() публичный Метод

Icons to use for headers, matching an icon defined by the jQuery UI CSS Framework.
public SetIconsOff ( ) : Options
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