C# Класс Examples.ControlClientChangingSystemAuthentication.ChangeSuperusersToAdministrators

Наследование: IConfigurationCallback
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Метод Описание
ChangeSuperusersToAdministrators ( ISystemAuthenticationControl systemAuthenticationControl, PushTechnology.ClientInterface.Client.Features.Control.Clients.SecurityControl.IUpdateStoreCallback callback ) : System.Collections.Generic
OnError ( ErrorReason errorReason ) : void

Notification of a contextual error related to this callback. This is analogous to an exception being raised. Situations in which OnError is called include the session being closed, a communication timeout, or a problem with the provided parameters. No further calls will be made to this callback.

OnReply ( ISystemAuthenticationConfiguration systemAuthenticationConfiguration ) : void

The configuration callback reply.

Описание методов

ChangeSuperusersToAdministrators() публичный Метод

public ChangeSuperusersToAdministrators ( ISystemAuthenticationControl systemAuthenticationControl, PushTechnology.ClientInterface.Client.Features.Control.Clients.SecurityControl.IUpdateStoreCallback callback ) : System.Collections.Generic
systemAuthenticationControl ISystemAuthenticationControl
callback PushTechnology.ClientInterface.Client.Features.Control.Clients.SecurityControl.IUpdateStoreCallback
Результат System.Collections.Generic

OnError() публичный Метод

Notification of a contextual error related to this callback. This is analogous to an exception being raised. Situations in which OnError is called include the session being closed, a communication timeout, or a problem with the provided parameters. No further calls will be made to this callback.
public OnError ( ErrorReason errorReason ) : void
errorReason ErrorReason errorReason a value representing the error; this can be one of constants /// defined in , or a feature-specific reason.
Результат void

OnReply() публичный Метод

The configuration callback reply.
public OnReply ( ISystemAuthenticationConfiguration systemAuthenticationConfiguration ) : void
systemAuthenticationConfiguration ISystemAuthenticationConfiguration The system authenticationConfiguration stored on the /// server.
Результат void