C# Класс Examples.ExamplesConsole.AdvancedSend

Advanced send demonstrates how to send and receive more complicated objects. Note that arrays of primitive types are serialised differently from arrays of non-primitives. This is done to achieve better performance and lower memory usage
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
RunExample ( ) : void

Run the AdvancedSend example.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreateArray ( ) : Array

Set object to send as array of primitives

CreateCustomObject ( ) : object

Set object to send as custom object

CreateSendObject ( ) : void

Base method for creating an object to send

LogMethod ( string strToLog ) : void

Delegate which can be used to log comms method

SelectConnectionType ( ) : void
SelectDataProcessors ( List &dataProcessors, string>.Dictionary &dataProcessorOptions ) : void

Allows to choose different compressors

SelectDataSerializer ( DataSerializer &dataSerializer ) : void

Allows to choose different serializers

Описание методов

RunExample() публичный статический Метод

Run the AdvancedSend example.
public static RunExample ( ) : void
Результат void