C# Класс Encog.Persist.PersistError

Наследование: EncogError
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
PersistError ( Exception t ) : System

Construct an exception that holds another exception.

PersistError ( String msg ) : System

Construct a message exception.

PersistError ( String msg, Exception t ) : System

Construct an exception that holds another exception.

Описание методов

PersistError() публичный Метод

Construct an exception that holds another exception.
public PersistError ( Exception t ) : System
t System.Exception The other exception.
Результат System

PersistError() публичный Метод

Construct a message exception.
public PersistError ( String msg ) : System
msg String The exception message.
Результат System

PersistError() публичный Метод

Construct an exception that holds another exception.
public PersistError ( String msg, Exception t ) : System
msg String The message.
t System.Exception The other exception.
Результат System