C# Класс Encog.Neural.NEAT.NEATNetwork

Наследование: Encog.ML.BasicML, IMLContext, IMLRegression, IMLError
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CalculateError ( IMLDataSet data ) : double

Calculate the error for this neural network.

ClearContext ( ) : void

Clear any context from previous runs. This sets the activation of all neurons to zero.

Compute ( IMLData input ) : IMLData

Compute the output from this synapse.

NEATNetwork ( ) : System

Default constructor.

NEATNetwork ( int inputCount, int outputCount ) : System

Construct a NEAT network.

NEATNetwork ( int inputCount, int outputCount, IEnumerable neurons, IActivationFunction activationFunction, IActivationFunction outputActivationFunction, int networkDepth ) : System

Construct a NEAT synapse.

UpdateProperties ( ) : void

Not needed.

Описание методов

CalculateError() публичный Метод

Calculate the error for this neural network.
public CalculateError ( IMLDataSet data ) : double
data IMLDataSet The training set.
Результат double

ClearContext() публичный Метод

Clear any context from previous runs. This sets the activation of all neurons to zero.
public ClearContext ( ) : void
Результат void

Compute() публичный Метод

Compute the output from this synapse.
public Compute ( IMLData input ) : IMLData
input IMLData The input to this synapse.
Результат IMLData

NEATNetwork() публичный Метод

Default constructor.
public NEATNetwork ( ) : System
Результат System

NEATNetwork() публичный Метод

Construct a NEAT network.
public NEATNetwork ( int inputCount, int outputCount ) : System
inputCount int The input count.
outputCount int The output count.
Результат System

NEATNetwork() публичный Метод

Construct a NEAT synapse.
public NEATNetwork ( int inputCount, int outputCount, IEnumerable neurons, IActivationFunction activationFunction, IActivationFunction outputActivationFunction, int networkDepth ) : System
inputCount int The number of input neurons.
outputCount int The number of output neurons.
neurons IEnumerable The neurons in this synapse.
activationFunction IActivationFunction The activation function to use.
outputActivationFunction IActivationFunction The output activation function.
networkDepth int The depth of the network.
Результат System

UpdateProperties() публичный Метод

Not needed.
public UpdateProperties ( ) : void
Результат void