C# Класс Encog.Neural.NEAT.Training.NEATGenome

Наследование: Encog.ML.Genetic.Genome.BasicGenome, ICloneable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AlreadyHaveThisNeuronID ( long id ) : bool

Do we already have this neuron id?

Clone ( ) : object

Clone the object. Not currently supported.

Decode ( ) : void

Convert the genes to an actual network.

Encode ( ) : void

Convert the network to genes. Not currently supported.

GetCompatibilityScore ( NEATGenome genome ) : double

Get the compatibility score with another genome. Used to determine species.

GetSplitY ( int nd ) : double

Get the specified split y.

IsDuplicateLink ( long fromNeuronID, long toNeuronID ) : bool

Determine if this is a duplicate link.

MutateActivationResponse ( double mutateRate, double maxPertubation ) : void

Mutate the activation response.

MutateWeights ( double mutateRate, double probNewMutate, double maxPertubation ) : void

Mutate the weights.

NEATGenome ( ) : System

Construct the object.

NEATGenome ( NEATGenome other ) : System

Construct a genome by copying another.

NEATGenome ( long genomeID, Chromosome neurons, Chromosome links, int inputCount_0, int outputCount_1 ) : System

Create a NEAT gnome.

NEATGenome ( long id, int inputCount_0, int outputCount_1 ) : System

Construct a genome, do not provide links and neurons.

SortGenes ( ) : void

Sort the genes.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddLink ( double mutationRate, double chanceOfLooped, int numTrysToFindLoop, int numTrysToAddLink ) : void

Mutate the genome by adding a link to this genome.

AddNeuron ( double mutationRate, int numTrysToFindOldLink ) : void

Mutate the genome by adding a neuron.

ChooseRandomNeuron ( bool includeInput ) : NEATNeuronGene

Choose a random neuron.

GetElementPos ( long neuronID ) : int

Get the specified neuron's index.

Описание методов

AlreadyHaveThisNeuronID() публичный Метод

Do we already have this neuron id?
public AlreadyHaveThisNeuronID ( long id ) : bool
id long The id to check for.
Результат bool

Clone() публичный Метод

Clone the object. Not currently supported.
public Clone ( ) : object
Результат object

Decode() публичный Метод

Convert the genes to an actual network.
public Decode ( ) : void
Результат void

Encode() публичный Метод

Convert the network to genes. Not currently supported.
public Encode ( ) : void
Результат void

GetCompatibilityScore() публичный Метод

Get the compatibility score with another genome. Used to determine species.
public GetCompatibilityScore ( NEATGenome genome ) : double
genome NEATGenome The other genome.
Результат double

GetSplitY() публичный Метод

Get the specified split y.
public GetSplitY ( int nd ) : double
nd int The neuron.
Результат double

IsDuplicateLink() публичный Метод

Determine if this is a duplicate link.
public IsDuplicateLink ( long fromNeuronID, long toNeuronID ) : bool
fromNeuronID long The from neuron id.
toNeuronID long The to neuron id.
Результат bool

MutateActivationResponse() публичный Метод

Mutate the activation response.
public MutateActivationResponse ( double mutateRate, double maxPertubation ) : void
mutateRate double The mutation rate.
maxPertubation double The maximum to perturb it by.
Результат void

MutateWeights() публичный Метод

Mutate the weights.
public MutateWeights ( double mutateRate, double probNewMutate, double maxPertubation ) : void
mutateRate double The mutation rate.
probNewMutate double The probability of a whole new weight.
maxPertubation double The max perturbation.
Результат void

NEATGenome() публичный Метод

Construct the object.
public NEATGenome ( ) : System
Результат System

NEATGenome() публичный Метод

Construct a genome by copying another.
public NEATGenome ( NEATGenome other ) : System
other NEATGenome The other genome.
Результат System

NEATGenome() публичный Метод

Create a NEAT gnome.
public NEATGenome ( long genomeID, Chromosome neurons, Chromosome links, int inputCount_0, int outputCount_1 ) : System
genomeID long The genome id.
neurons Encog.ML.Genetic.Genome.Chromosome The neurons.
links Encog.ML.Genetic.Genome.Chromosome The links.
inputCount_0 int The input count.
outputCount_1 int The output count.
Результат System

NEATGenome() публичный Метод

Construct a genome, do not provide links and neurons.
public NEATGenome ( long id, int inputCount_0, int outputCount_1 ) : System
id long The genome id.
inputCount_0 int The input count.
outputCount_1 int The output count.
Результат System

SortGenes() публичный Метод

Sort the genes.
public SortGenes ( ) : void
Результат void