C# Класс Emotion.Standard.Image.PNG.PngFileHeader

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
BitDepth byte
ColorType byte
CompressionMethod byte
FilterMethod byte
InterlaceMethod byte
PixelFormat PixelFormat
Size Vector2

Описание свойств

BitDepth публичное свойство

Bit depth is a single-byte integer giving the number of bits per sample or per palette index (not per pixel). Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16, although not all values are allowed for all color types.
public byte BitDepth
Результат byte

ColorType публичное свойство

Color type is a integer that describes the interpretation of the image data. Color type codes represent sums of the following values: 1 (palette used), 2 (color used), and 4 (alpha channel used).
public byte ColorType
Результат byte

CompressionMethod публичное свойство

Indicates the method used to compress the image data. At present, only compression method 0 (deflate/inflate compression with a sliding window of at most 32768 bytes) is defined.
public byte CompressionMethod
Результат byte

FilterMethod публичное свойство

Indicates the preprocessing method applied to the image data before compression. At present, only filter method 0 (adaptive filtering with five basic filter types) is defined.
public byte FilterMethod
Результат byte

InterlaceMethod публичное свойство

Indicates the transmission order of the image data. Two values are currently defined: 0 (no interlace) or 1 (Adam7 interlace).
public byte InterlaceMethod
Результат byte

PixelFormat публичное свойство

The byte format of the pixels.
public PixelFormat PixelFormat
Результат PixelFormat

Size публичное свойство

The bitmap width in pixels (signed integer).
public Vector2 Size
Результат Vector2