C# Класс Emmet.Engine.TabStopsParser

Wrapper over tab stops utility in the Emmet engine. Can be used to prepare expanded abbreviations to be inserted into the editor and get information about tab stops.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ParseContent ( V8Engine engine, string content ) : TabStopsParser

Looks for tab stops in the specified content and returns a processed version with expanded placeholders and tab stops found.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
TabStopsParser ( ) : Emmet.Diagnostics

Constructor that prevents a default instance of this class from being created.

Описание методов

ParseContent() публичный статический Метод

Looks for tab stops in the specified content and returns a processed version with expanded placeholders and tab stops found.
/// Indicates that Emmet engine has failed to parse the specified content. ///
public static ParseContent ( V8Engine engine, string content ) : TabStopsParser
engine V8.Net.V8Engine V8 instance with Emmet engine compiled in it.
content string Expanded abbreviation content.
Результат TabStopsParser