C# Класс Emgu.CV.Features2D.LDetector

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
BaseFeatureSize double
ClusteringDistance double
NOctaves int
NViews int
Radius int
Threshold int

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
DetectKeyPoints ( Byte>.Image image, int maxCount, bool scaleCoords ) : Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]

Detect the Lepetit keypoints from the image

DetectKeyPointsRaw ( Byte>.Image image, int maxCount, bool scaleCoords ) : VectorOfKeyPoint

Detect the Lepetit keypoints from the image

DetectKeyPointsRaw ( byte>.Image image ) : VectorOfKeyPoint

Detect the keypoints in the image

Init ( ) : void

Set the parameters to default value

Описание методов

DetectKeyPoints() публичный Метод

Detect the Lepetit keypoints from the image
public DetectKeyPoints ( Byte>.Image image, int maxCount, bool scaleCoords ) : Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]
image Byte>.Image The image to extract Lepetit keypoints
maxCount int The maximum number of keypoints to be extracted, use 0 to ignore the max count
scaleCoords bool Indicates if the coordinates should be scaled
Результат Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]

DetectKeyPointsRaw() публичный Метод

Detect the Lepetit keypoints from the image
public DetectKeyPointsRaw ( Byte>.Image image, int maxCount, bool scaleCoords ) : VectorOfKeyPoint
image Byte>.Image The image to extract Lepetit keypoints
maxCount int The maximum number of keypoints to be extracted, use 0 to ignore the max count
scaleCoords bool Indicates if the coordinates should be scaled
Результат Emgu.CV.Util.VectorOfKeyPoint

DetectKeyPointsRaw() публичный Метод

Detect the keypoints in the image
public DetectKeyPointsRaw ( byte>.Image image ) : VectorOfKeyPoint
image byte>.Image The image from which the key point will be detected from
Результат VectorOfKeyPoint

Init() публичный Метод

Set the parameters to default value
public Init ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

BaseFeatureSize публичное свойство

Base feature size
public double BaseFeatureSize
Результат double

ClusteringDistance публичное свойство

Clustering Distance
public double ClusteringDistance
Результат double

NOctaves публичное свойство

Number of Octaves
public int NOctaves
Результат int

NViews публичное свойство

Number of views
public int NViews
Результат int

Radius публичное свойство

public int Radius
Результат int

Threshold публичное свойство

public int Threshold
Результат int