C# Класс Elastacloud.AzureManagement.Fluent.SubscriptionManager

Includes methods to reutrns set of Manager classes to manipulate things to do with storage, services, etc.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetDeploymentManager ( ) : Services.ICertificateActivity

Gets a manager to use on all types of deployment for PaaS

GetRoleContextManager ( string certificateThumbprint, string serviceName, DeploymentSlot slot ) : RoleContextManager

Added the deployment

GetRoleStatusChangedWatcher ( string serviceName, string roleName, DeploymentSlot slot, string certificateThumbprint ) : DeploymentStatusWatcher

Returns a watcher which will indicate when the status of the deployment and role by extension has changed

GetSqlAzureManager ( ) : SqlAzureManager

Gets a manager to use on Sql Azure

GetStorageManager ( ) : StorageManager

Allows access to the storage manager which performs operations on storage

GetSubscriptionDetailsManager ( ) : Subscriptions.ICertificateActivity

Allows access to a SubscriptionDetailsManager so that information about the subscription such as locations allowed etc. cna be returned

GetVirtualMachinesManager ( ) : VirtualMachines.ICertificateActivity

Gets a manager to perform operations on virtual machines

SubscriptionManager ( string subscriptionId ) : System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates

Constructs a subscription manager which can be used to get other managers specific to the operations being requested

Описание методов

GetDeploymentManager() публичный Метод

Gets a manager to use on all types of deployment for PaaS
public GetDeploymentManager ( ) : Services.ICertificateActivity
Результат Services.ICertificateActivity

GetRoleContextManager() публичный Метод

Added the deployment
public GetRoleContextManager ( string certificateThumbprint, string serviceName, DeploymentSlot slot ) : RoleContextManager
certificateThumbprint string The thumbprint of the certificate being used to update the deployment status
serviceName string The name of the cloud service
slot DeploymentSlot The deployment slot
Результат RoleContextManager

GetRoleStatusChangedWatcher() публичный Метод

Returns a watcher which will indicate when the status of the deployment and role by extension has changed
public GetRoleStatusChangedWatcher ( string serviceName, string roleName, DeploymentSlot slot, string certificateThumbprint ) : DeploymentStatusWatcher
serviceName string the name of the hosted service
roleName string the name of the role
slot DeploymentSlot the name of the deployment slot either production or staging
certificateThumbprint string the thumbprint of the management certificate
Результат Elastacloud.AzureManagement.Fluent.Watchers.DeploymentStatusWatcher

GetSqlAzureManager() публичный Метод

Gets a manager to use on Sql Azure
public GetSqlAzureManager ( ) : SqlAzureManager
Результат Elastacloud.AzureManagement.Fluent.SqlAzure.SqlAzureManager

GetStorageManager() публичный Метод

Allows access to the storage manager which performs operations on storage
public GetStorageManager ( ) : StorageManager
Результат Elastacloud.AzureManagement.Fluent.Storage.StorageManager

GetSubscriptionDetailsManager() публичный Метод

Allows access to a SubscriptionDetailsManager so that information about the subscription such as locations allowed etc. cna be returned
public GetSubscriptionDetailsManager ( ) : Subscriptions.ICertificateActivity
Результат Subscriptions.ICertificateActivity

GetVirtualMachinesManager() публичный Метод

Gets a manager to perform operations on virtual machines
public GetVirtualMachinesManager ( ) : VirtualMachines.ICertificateActivity
Результат VirtualMachines.ICertificateActivity

SubscriptionManager() публичный Метод

Constructs a subscription manager which can be used to get other managers specific to the operations being requested
public SubscriptionManager ( string subscriptionId ) : System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
subscriptionId string the subscription id
Результат System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates