C# Класс Elastacloud.AzureManagement.Fluent.Services.Classes.ServiceCertificate

Encapsulates a Windows Azure service certificate
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Create ( ) : X509Certificate2

Used to create the Cert

GetExisting ( string thumbprint, string password ) : X509Certificate2

Gets an existing certificate given a thumbprint from the Local Stores

ServiceCertificate ( ) : System

Constructor used for an existing service certificate

ServiceCertificate ( string name ) : System

Constructor to set default properties validity 1 year from today and default pvk "password"

ServiceCertificate ( string name, string password ) : System

Constructor to set default properties validity 1 year from today and default pvk "password"

Описание методов

Create() публичный Метод

Used to create the Cert
public Create ( ) : X509Certificate2
Результат System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2

GetExisting() публичный Метод

Gets an existing certificate given a thumbprint from the Local Stores
public GetExisting ( string thumbprint, string password ) : X509Certificate2
thumbprint string
password string
Результат System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2

ServiceCertificate() публичный Метод

Constructor used for an existing service certificate
public ServiceCertificate ( ) : System
Результат System

ServiceCertificate() публичный Метод

Constructor to set default properties validity 1 year from today and default pvk "password"
public ServiceCertificate ( string name ) : System
name string
Результат System

ServiceCertificate() публичный Метод

Constructor to set default properties validity 1 year from today and default pvk "password"
public ServiceCertificate ( string name, string password ) : System
name string
password string
Результат System