C# Класс ERP.Web.UserRegistrationContext

The domain context corresponding to the 'UserRegistrationService' domain service.
Наследование: DomainContext
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateUser ( RegistrationData user, [ ErrorMessageResourceName ) : InvokeOperation

Asynchronously invokes the 'CreateUser' method of the domain service.

CreateUser ( RegistrationData user, [ ErrorMessageResourceName, Action callback, object userState ) : InvokeOperation

Asynchronously invokes the 'CreateUser' method of the domain service.

CreateUser ( RegistrationData user, string password ) : InvokeOperation

Asynchronously invokes the 'CreateUser' method of the domain service.

CreateUser ( RegistrationData user, string password, Action callback, object userState ) : InvokeOperation

Asynchronously invokes the 'CreateUser' method of the domain service.

GetUsersQuery ( ) : EntityQuery

Gets an EntityQuery instance that can be used to load RegistrationData entities using the 'GetUsers' query.

UserRegistrationContext ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the UserRegistrationContext class.

UserRegistrationContext ( DomainClient domainClient ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the UserRegistrationContext class with the specified domainClient.

UserRegistrationContext ( Uri serviceUri ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the UserRegistrationContext class with the specified service URI.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
CreateEntityContainer ( ) : EntityContainer

Creates a new entity container for this domain context's entity sets.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
OnCreated ( ) : void

This method is invoked from the constructor once initialization is complete and can be used for further object setup.

Описание методов

CreateEntityContainer() защищенный Метод

Creates a new entity container for this domain context's entity sets.
protected CreateEntityContainer ( ) : EntityContainer
Результат EntityContainer

CreateUser() публичный Метод

Asynchronously invokes the 'CreateUser' method of the domain service.
public CreateUser ( RegistrationData user, [ ErrorMessageResourceName ) : InvokeOperation
user RegistrationData The value for the 'user' parameter of this action.
ErrorMessageResourceName [
Результат InvokeOperation

CreateUser() публичный Метод

Asynchronously invokes the 'CreateUser' method of the domain service.
public CreateUser ( RegistrationData user, [ ErrorMessageResourceName, Action callback, object userState ) : InvokeOperation
user RegistrationData The value for the 'user' parameter of this action.
ErrorMessageResourceName [
callback Action Callback to invoke when the operation completes.
userState object Value to pass to the callback. It can be null.
Результат InvokeOperation

CreateUser() публичный Метод

Asynchronously invokes the 'CreateUser' method of the domain service.
public CreateUser ( RegistrationData user, string password ) : InvokeOperation
user RegistrationData The value for the 'user' parameter of this action.
password string The value for the 'password' parameter of this action.
Результат InvokeOperation

CreateUser() публичный Метод

Asynchronously invokes the 'CreateUser' method of the domain service.
public CreateUser ( RegistrationData user, string password, Action callback, object userState ) : InvokeOperation
user RegistrationData The value for the 'user' parameter of this action.
password string The value for the 'password' parameter of this action.
callback Action Callback to invoke when the operation completes.
userState object Value to pass to the callback. It can be null.
Результат InvokeOperation

GetUsersQuery() публичный Метод

Gets an EntityQuery instance that can be used to load RegistrationData entities using the 'GetUsers' query.
public GetUsersQuery ( ) : EntityQuery
Результат EntityQuery

UserRegistrationContext() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the UserRegistrationContext class.
public UserRegistrationContext ( ) : System
Результат System

UserRegistrationContext() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the UserRegistrationContext class with the specified domainClient.
public UserRegistrationContext ( DomainClient domainClient ) : System
domainClient DomainClient The DomainClient instance to use for this domain context.
Результат System

UserRegistrationContext() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the UserRegistrationContext class with the specified service URI.
public UserRegistrationContext ( Uri serviceUri ) : System
serviceUri System.Uri The UserRegistrationService service URI.
Результат System