C# Класс Duality.Resources.Prefab

Наследование: Resource
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CopyTo ( GameObject obj ) : void

Copies this Prefabs data to a GameObject without linking itsself to it.

CopyTo ( IEnumerable baseObjAddress, Component target ) : void

Copies a subset of this Prefabs data to a specific Component.

HasComponent ( IEnumerable gameObjIndexPath, Type cmpType ) : bool

Returns whether this Prefab contains a Component inside a GameObject with the specified index path. It is based on this Prefabs root GameObject.

HasGameObject ( IEnumerable indexPath ) : bool

Returns whether this Prefab contains a GameObject with the specified index path. It is based on this Prefabs root GameObject.

Inject ( GameObject obj ) : void

Discards previous data and injects the specified GameObject into the Prefab. The GameObject itsself will not be affected, instead a GameObject.Clone of it will be used for the Prefab.

Instantiate ( ) : GameObject

Instantiates the Prefab.

Prefab ( ) : System

Creates a new, empty Prefab.

Prefab ( GameObject obj ) : System

Creates a new Prefab out of a GameObject.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
OnCopyTo ( Resource r, CloneProvider provider ) : void
OnLoaded ( ) : void

Описание методов

CopyTo() публичный Метод

Copies this Prefabs data to a GameObject without linking itsself to it.
public CopyTo ( GameObject obj ) : void
obj GameObject The GameObject to which the Prefabs data is copied.
Результат void

CopyTo() публичный Метод

Copies a subset of this Prefabs data to a specific Component.
public CopyTo ( IEnumerable baseObjAddress, Component target ) : void
baseObjAddress IEnumerable The GameObject IndexPath to locate the source Component
target Component The Component to which the Prefabs data is copied.
Результат void

HasComponent() публичный Метод

Returns whether this Prefab contains a Component inside a GameObject with the specified index path. It is based on this Prefabs root GameObject.
public HasComponent ( IEnumerable gameObjIndexPath, Type cmpType ) : bool
gameObjIndexPath IEnumerable The index path at which to search for a GameObject.
cmpType System.Type The Component type to search for inside the found GameObject.
Результат bool

HasGameObject() публичный Метод

Returns whether this Prefab contains a GameObject with the specified index path. It is based on this Prefabs root GameObject.
public HasGameObject ( IEnumerable indexPath ) : bool
indexPath IEnumerable The index path at which to search for a GameObject.
Результат bool

Inject() публичный Метод

Discards previous data and injects the specified GameObject into the Prefab. The GameObject itsself will not be affected, instead a GameObject.Clone of it will be used for the Prefab.
public Inject ( GameObject obj ) : void
obj GameObject The object to inject as Prefab root object.
Результат void

Instantiate() публичный Метод

Instantiates the Prefab.
public Instantiate ( ) : GameObject
Результат GameObject

OnCopyTo() защищенный Метод

protected OnCopyTo ( Resource r, CloneProvider provider ) : void
r Resource
provider CloneProvider
Результат void

OnLoaded() защищенный Метод

protected OnLoaded ( ) : void
Результат void

Prefab() публичный Метод

Creates a new, empty Prefab.
public Prefab ( ) : System
Результат System

Prefab() публичный Метод

Creates a new Prefab out of a GameObject.
public Prefab ( GameObject obj ) : System
obj GameObject
Результат System