C# Класс DotNetWorkQueue.Metrics.Decorator.MessageMethodHandlingDecorator

Metrics for executing linq methods
Наследование: IMessageMethodHandling
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Dispose ( ) : void

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

HandleExecution ( IReceivedMessage receivedMessage, IWorkerNotification workerNotification ) : void
MessageMethodHandlingDecorator ( IMetrics metrics, IMessageMethodHandling handler, IConnectionInformation connectionInformation ) : DotNetWorkQueue.Exceptions

Initializes a new instance of the MessageMethodHandlingDecorator class.

Описание методов

Dispose() публичный Метод

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

HandleExecution() публичный Метод

public HandleExecution ( IReceivedMessage receivedMessage, IWorkerNotification workerNotification ) : void
receivedMessage IReceivedMessage
workerNotification IWorkerNotification
Результат void

MessageMethodHandlingDecorator() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the MessageMethodHandlingDecorator class.
public MessageMethodHandlingDecorator ( IMetrics metrics, IMessageMethodHandling handler, IConnectionInformation connectionInformation ) : DotNetWorkQueue.Exceptions
metrics IMetrics The metrics factory.
handler IMessageMethodHandling The handler.
connectionInformation IConnectionInformation The connection information.
Результат DotNetWorkQueue.Exceptions