C# Класс CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel

This class represents the wiper. It is used for devices knowing more than one wiper.
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
A DeviceControlChannel
ALL CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel[]
B DeviceControlChannel
C DeviceControlChannel
D DeviceControlChannel

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Equals ( DeviceControlChannel dcc ) : System.Boolean

Determines whether the specified CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel is equal to the current CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel.

Equals ( object obj ) : bool

Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.

ValueOf ( MicrochipPotChannel channel ) : DeviceControlChannel

Factory method for creating a device control channel based on the given potentiometer channel.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
DeviceControlChannel ( Byte volatileMemAddr, Byte nonVolatileMemAddr, Byte termConAddr, Int32 hwConfigCtrlBit, Int32 termAConnCtrlBit, Int32 termBConnCtrlBit, Int32 wiperConnCtrlBit, MicrochipPotChannel chan ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel class with the volatile memory address, non-volatile memory address, terminal control address, hardware-config control bit, terminal A connection control bit, terminal B connection control bit, wiper connection control bit, and MCP potentiometer channel.

Описание методов

DeviceControlChannel() защищенный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel class with the volatile memory address, non-volatile memory address, terminal control address, hardware-config control bit, terminal A connection control bit, terminal B connection control bit, wiper connection control bit, and MCP potentiometer channel.
protected DeviceControlChannel ( Byte volatileMemAddr, Byte nonVolatileMemAddr, Byte termConAddr, Int32 hwConfigCtrlBit, Int32 termAConnCtrlBit, Int32 termBConnCtrlBit, Int32 wiperConnCtrlBit, MicrochipPotChannel chan ) : System
volatileMemAddr Byte /// The volatile memory address. ///
nonVolatileMemAddr Byte /// The non-volatile memory address. ///
termConAddr Byte /// The terminal control address. ///
hwConfigCtrlBit System.Int32 /// The hardware config control bit. ///
termAConnCtrlBit System.Int32 /// The terminal A connection control bit. ///
termBConnCtrlBit System.Int32 /// The terminal B connection control bit. ///
wiperConnCtrlBit System.Int32 /// The wiper connection control bit. ///
chan MicrochipPotChannel /// The MCP potentiometer channel. ///
Результат System

Equals() публичный Метод

Determines whether the specified CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel is equal to the current CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel.
public Equals ( DeviceControlChannel dcc ) : System.Boolean
dcc DeviceControlChannel /// The /// to compare with the current . ///
Результат System.Boolean

Equals() публичный Метод

Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel.
public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object /// The to compare with the current /// . ///
Результат bool

GetHashCode() публичный Метод

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
Результат int

ValueOf() публичный статический Метод

Factory method for creating a device control channel based on the given potentiometer channel.
public static ValueOf ( MicrochipPotChannel channel ) : DeviceControlChannel
channel MicrochipPotChannel /// The MCP potentiometer channel. ///
Результат DeviceControlChannel

Описание свойств

A публичное статическое свойство

Device control channel A.
public static DeviceControlChannel,CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip A
Результат DeviceControlChannel

ALL публичное статическое свойство

All device control channels.
public static DeviceControlChannel[],CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip ALL
Результат CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip.DeviceControlChannel[]

B публичное статическое свойство

Device control channel B.
public static DeviceControlChannel,CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip B
Результат DeviceControlChannel

C публичное статическое свойство

Device control channel C.
public static DeviceControlChannel,CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip C
Результат DeviceControlChannel

D публичное статическое свойство

Device control channel D.
public static DeviceControlChannel,CyrusBuilt.MonoPi.Components.Potentiometers.Microchip D
Результат DeviceControlChannel