C# Класс CyPhyMetaLink.CyPhyMetaLinkAddon

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
IdCounter int
SearchPathStr String
TestMode bool
bridgeClient CyPhyMetaLinkBridgeClient.MetaLinkBridgeClient
syncedComponents SyncedComponentData>.Dictionary

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
designIdToCadAssemblyXml string>.Dictionary
interactiveMode bool

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
AddComponent void
AddConnection void
AddSearchPathToEnvironment void
CloseConnection bool
ConnectionClosed void
CopyResources void
CreateComponentEditMessage edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
CreateOrUpdateConnector void
ExeStartupFailed void
GMERegister void
GMEUnRegister void
GenerateCADAssemblyXml void
GetBrowser object
GetCadModelPath string
GetProjectDir string
GetStartupParams string
GetSyncedCompDataByInstanceId SyncedComponentData
HighlightInTree void
HighlightInTree void
ModifyCADParameter void
PostMessage IntPtr
PrepareMetaLinkData void
ProcessAVMComponentCreate void
ProcessAVMComponentUpdate void
ProcessAnalysisPointMessage void
ProcessConnect void
ProcessEditDiscard void
ProcessEditInsert void
ProcessEditMessage void
ProcessEditSelect void
ProcessInsertComponentConnector void
ProcessQueuedEditMessages void
ProcessResync void
RefreshManufacturingResources void
RestartAssemblySync void
RestartAssemblySyncAtEndOfTransaction void
SaveCadAssemblyXml void
SendCadAssemblyXml void
SendCadAssemblyXml void
SendComponentList void
SendDisinterest bool
SendInterest bool
SetSelected void
ShowStartupDialog void
StartAssemblyExe void
StartComponentEdit void
StartComponentEditAction void
VerifyAssembly bool
VerifyCADResources void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddComponentProtoBufMsg ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces componentRef ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
CallCyPhy2CADWithTransaction ( MgaProject project, MgaFCO toplevelAssembly, int param ) : void
CyPhyMetaLinkAddon ( ) : System
EditMessageReceived ( edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta message ) : void
Enable ( bool newval ) : void
EstablishConnection ( ) : bool
GlobalEvent ( globalevent_enum @event ) : void
Initialize ( MgaProject project ) : void
Invoke ( MgaProject Project, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param ) : void
InvokeEx ( MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param ) : void
ObjectEvent ( MgaObject subject, uint eventMask, object param ) : void

Called when an FCO or folder changes

ObjectsInvokeEx ( MgaProject Project, MgaObject currentobj, MgaObjects selectedobjs, int param ) : void
StartCreoEmpyMode ( ) : void
StartEditingComponent ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces component, MgaFCO cadModel, bool createNewComponent ) : void
UpdateComponentNameProtoBufMsg ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces componentRef, string newName ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
get_ComponentParameter ( string Name ) : object
set_ComponentParameter ( string Name, object pVal ) : void

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
CreateAddConstraintProtoBufMsg ( string in_ComponentInstanceID, CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.Datum>.List constraintPairs ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
ModifyCADParameterProtoBufMsg ( string in_ComponentInstanceID, CADParameter in_CADParameter ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddComponent ( MgaObject mgaComponentRef ) : void

A component has been added.

AddConnection ( MgaObject subject ) : void

A connection has been added.

AddSearchPathToEnvironment ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces component, edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta env ) : void
CloseConnection ( ) : bool
ConnectionClosed ( Exception e ) : void
CopyResources ( string cadResourcesAbsPath, XmlDocument doc, XmlNamespaceManager manager, List notcopied, bool update ) : void

Copy the resources to the directory of the created/updated component

CreateComponentEditMessage ( string instanceId, ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces component, ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces cadModel ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
CreateOrUpdateConnector ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces component, List datumList, List datumNames, List datumAligns, ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces connector = null, String connectorName = null ) : void

Create a new or update an existing connector

ExeStartupFailed ( ) : void
GMERegister ( Type t ) : void
GMEUnRegister ( Type t ) : void
GenerateCADAssemblyXml ( MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, int param ) : void
GetBrowser ( ) : object
GetCadModelPath ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces component ) : string
GetProjectDir ( ) : string
GetStartupParams ( string assemblyGUID ) : string
GetSyncedCompDataByInstanceId ( string instanceid ) : SyncedComponentData
HighlightInTree ( IMgaObject item, int highlight ) : void
HighlightInTree ( ISIS item, int highlight ) : void
ModifyCADParameter ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces cyphycadparam ) : void

A parameter has been modified

PostMessage ( IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam ) : IntPtr
PrepareMetaLinkData ( CyPhy2CAD_CSharp data, ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces assembly, String prefix ) : void
ProcessAVMComponentCreate ( string component_xml, string instanceId ) : void

Create a new component

ProcessAVMComponentUpdate ( string componentId, string component_xml ) : void

Update an existing component

ProcessAnalysisPointMessage ( string avmid, edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta action ) : void

Create analysis point(s)

ProcessConnect ( string assemblyguid, string connectorguid1, string comprefguid1, string connectorguid2, string comprefguid2 ) : void

Connect 2 components

ProcessEditDiscard ( string assemblyId, edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta action ) : void

Remove a component from a design

ProcessEditInsert ( string componentAssemblyGuid, edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta action ) : void

Add AVM component to design

ProcessEditMessage ( edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta message ) : void

The main dispatch handler for incoming messages

ProcessEditSelect ( string assemblyId, edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta action ) : void

Select a component within a design

ProcessInsertComponentConnector ( string avmid, edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta action ) : void

Add a new AVM component to an existing assembly

ProcessQueuedEditMessages ( ) : void
ProcessResync ( string id ) : void

Resync: re-send the whole assembly information again

RefreshManufacturingResources ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces component, string path ) : void
RestartAssemblySync ( ) : void
RestartAssemblySyncAtEndOfTransaction ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces design ) : void
SaveCadAssemblyXml ( string xml, string assemblyGuid ) : void
SendCadAssemblyXml ( string instanceId, string assemblyGuid, bool clear ) : void
SendCadAssemblyXml ( string instanceId, string xml, string assemblyGuid, bool clear ) : void
SendComponentList ( string instanceId ) : void
SendDisinterest ( bool removeInterest ) : bool
SendInterest ( Action noticeaction ) : bool
SetSelected ( IMgaFCO fco, bool selected ) : void
ShowStartupDialog ( bool show ) : void
StartAssemblyExe ( CreoOpenMode mode, string guid, bool isComponentAssembly, string exeparams, string workingDir = null ) : void
StartComponentEdit ( string avmid, bool transaction = true ) : void
StartComponentEditAction ( edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta message ) : void
VerifyAssembly ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces assembly, List errorList ) : bool
VerifyCADResources ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces component, List errorList ) : void

Описание методов

AddComponentProtoBufMsg() публичный Метод

public AddComponentProtoBufMsg ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces componentRef ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
componentRef ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces
Результат edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit

CallCyPhy2CADWithTransaction() публичный Метод

public CallCyPhy2CADWithTransaction ( MgaProject project, MgaFCO toplevelAssembly, int param ) : void
project MgaProject
toplevelAssembly MgaFCO
param int
Результат void

CreateAddConstraintProtoBufMsg() защищенный Метод

protected CreateAddConstraintProtoBufMsg ( string in_ComponentInstanceID, CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.Datum>.List constraintPairs ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
in_ComponentInstanceID string
constraintPairs CyPhy2CAD_CSharp.DataRep.Datum>.List
Результат edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit

CyPhyMetaLinkAddon() публичный Метод

public CyPhyMetaLinkAddon ( ) : System
Результат System

EditMessageReceived() публичный Метод

public EditMessageReceived ( edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta message ) : void
message edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta
Результат void

Enable() публичный Метод

public Enable ( bool newval ) : void
newval bool
Результат void

EstablishConnection() публичный Метод

public EstablishConnection ( ) : bool
Результат bool

GlobalEvent() публичный Метод

public GlobalEvent ( globalevent_enum @event ) : void
@event globalevent_enum
Результат void

Initialize() публичный Метод

public Initialize ( MgaProject project ) : void
project MgaProject
Результат void

Invoke() публичный Метод

public Invoke ( MgaProject Project, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param ) : void
Project MgaProject
selectedobjs MgaFCOs
param int
Результат void

InvokeEx() публичный Метод

public InvokeEx ( MgaProject project, MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs, int param ) : void
project MgaProject
currentobj MgaFCO
selectedobjs MgaFCOs
param int
Результат void

ModifyCADParameterProtoBufMsg() защищенный Метод

protected ModifyCADParameterProtoBufMsg ( string in_ComponentInstanceID, CADParameter in_CADParameter ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
in_ComponentInstanceID string
in_CADParameter CADParameter
Результат edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit

ObjectEvent() публичный Метод

Called when an FCO or folder changes
public ObjectEvent ( MgaObject subject, uint eventMask, object param ) : void
subject MgaObject the object the event(s) happened to
eventMask uint objectevent_enum values ORed together
param object extra information provided for cetertain event types
Результат void

ObjectsInvokeEx() публичный Метод

public ObjectsInvokeEx ( MgaProject Project, MgaObject currentobj, MgaObjects selectedobjs, int param ) : void
Project MgaProject
currentobj MgaObject
selectedobjs MgaObjects
param int
Результат void

StartCreoEmpyMode() публичный Метод

public StartCreoEmpyMode ( ) : void
Результат void

StartEditingComponent() публичный Метод

public StartEditingComponent ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces component, MgaFCO cadModel, bool createNewComponent ) : void
component ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces
cadModel MgaFCO
createNewComponent bool
Результат void

UpdateComponentNameProtoBufMsg() публичный Метод

public UpdateComponentNameProtoBufMsg ( ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces componentRef, string newName ) : edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit
componentRef ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces
newName string
Результат edu.vanderbilt.isis.meta.Edit

get_ComponentParameter() публичный Метод

public get_ComponentParameter ( string Name ) : object
Name string
Результат object

set_ComponentParameter() публичный Метод

public set_ComponentParameter ( string Name, object pVal ) : void
Name string
pVal object
Результат void

Описание свойств

IdCounter публичное статическое свойство

public static int IdCounter
Результат int

SearchPathStr публичное статическое свойство

public static String SearchPathStr
Результат String

TestMode публичное свойство

public bool TestMode
Результат bool

bridgeClient публичное свойство

public CyPhyMetaLinkBridgeClient.MetaLinkBridgeClient bridgeClient
Результат CyPhyMetaLinkBridgeClient.MetaLinkBridgeClient

designIdToCadAssemblyXml защищенное свойство

protected Dictionary designIdToCadAssemblyXml
Результат string>.Dictionary

interactiveMode защищенное свойство

protected bool interactiveMode
Результат bool

syncedComponents публичное свойство

public Dictionary syncedComponents
Результат SyncedComponentData>.Dictionary