Метод | Описание | |
AddOption ( string keyword, double val ) : bool |
Function for adding a floating point option.
AddOption ( string keyword, int val ) : bool |
Function for adding an integer option.
AddOption ( string keyword, string val ) : bool |
Function for adding a string option.
Dispose ( ) : void |
Implement the IDisposable interface to release the Ipopt DLL resources held by this class
IpoptProblem ( int n, double x_L, double x_U, int m, double g_L, double g_U, int nele_jac, int nele_hess, Eval_F_CB eval_f_cb, Eval_G_CB eval_g_cb, Eval_Grad_F_CB eval_grad_f_cb, Eval_Jac_G_CB eval_jac_g_cb, Eval_H_CB eval_h_cb ) : System |
Constructor for creating a new Ipopt Problem object using native function delegates. This function initializes an object that can be passed to the IpoptSolve call. It contains the basic definition of the optimization problem, such as number of variables and constraints, bounds on variables and constraints, information about the derivatives, and the callback function for the computation of the optimization problem functions and derivatives. During this call, the options file ipopt.opt is read as well.
IpoptProblem ( int n, double x_L, double x_U, int m, double g_L, double g_U, int nele_jac, int nele_hess, EvaluateObjectiveDelegate eval_f_cb, EvaluateConstraintsDelegate eval_g_cb, EvaluateObjectiveGradientDelegate eval_grad_f_cb, EvaluateJacobianDelegate eval_jac_g_cb, EvaluateHessianDelegate eval_h_cb ) : System |
Constructor for creating a new Ipopt Problem object using managed function delegates. This function initializes an object that can be passed to the IpoptSolve call. It contains the basic definition of the optimization problem, such as number of variables and constraints, bounds on variables and constraints, information about the derivatives, and the callback function for the computation of the optimization problem functions and derivatives. During this call, the options file ipopt.opt is read as well.
OpenOutputFile ( string file_name, int print_level ) : bool |
Method for opening an output file for a given name with given print level.
SetIntermediateCallback ( IntermediateDelegate intermediate_cb ) : bool |
Setting a callback function for the "intermediate callback" method in the optimizer. This gives control back to the user once per iteration. If set, it provides the user with some information on the state of the optimization. This can be used to print some user-defined output. It also gives the user a way to terminate the optimization prematurely. If the callback method returns false, Ipopt will terminate the optimization. Calling this set method to set the CB pointer to null disables the intermediate callback functionality.
SetIntermediateCallback ( Intermediate_CB intermediate_cb ) : bool |
Setting a callback function for the "intermediate callback" method in the optimizer. This gives control back to the user once per iteration. If set, it provides the user with some information on the state of the optimization. This can be used to print some user-defined output. It also gives the user a way to terminate the optimization prematurely. If the callback method returns false, Ipopt will terminate the optimization. Calling this set method to set the CB pointer to null disables the intermediate callback functionality.
SetScaling ( double obj_scaling, double x_scaling, double g_scaling ) : bool |
Optional function for setting scaling parameter for the NLP. This corresponds to the get_scaling_parameters method in TNLP. If the pointers x_scaling or g_scaling are null, then no scaling for x resp. g is done.
SolveProblem ( double x, double &obj_val, double g = null, double mult_g = null, double mult_x_L = null, double mult_x_U = null ) : IpoptReturnCode |
Function calling the IPOPT optimization algorithm for a problem previously defined with the constructor. IPOPT will use the options previously specified with AddOption for this problem.
eval_f ( int n, double x, bool new_x, double &obj_value ) : bool |
Dummy implementation of the managed objective function evaluation delegate. Recommended action is to override this method in a subclass and use the
eval_g ( int n, double x, bool new_x, int m, double g ) : bool |
Dummy implementation of the managed constraints evaluation delegate. Recommended action is to override this method in a subclass and use the
eval_grad_f ( int n, double x, bool new_x, double grad_f ) : bool |
Dummy implementation of the managed objective function gradient evaluation delegate. Recommended action is to override this method in a subclass and use the
eval_h ( int n, double x, bool new_x, double obj_factor, int m, double lambda, bool new_lambda, int nele_hess, int iRow, int jCol, double values ) : bool |
Dummy implementation of the managed Hessian evaluation delegate. Recommended action is to override this method in a subclass and use the
eval_jac_g ( int n, double x, bool new_x, int m, int nele_jac, int iRow, int jCol, double values ) : bool |
Dummy implementation of the managed Jacobian evaluation delegate. Recommended action is to override this method in a subclass and use the
intermediate ( IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du, double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials ) : bool |
Dummy implementation of the managed intermediate callback method delegate. Recommended action is to override this method in a subclass and use the
Метод | Описание | |
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void |
Dispose(bool disposing) executes in two distinct scenarios. If disposing equals true, the method has been called directly or indirectly by a user's code. Managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed. If disposing equals false, the method has been called by the runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference other objects. Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
IpoptProblem ( int n, double x_L, double x_U, int m, double g_L, double g_U, int nele_jac, int nele_hess, bool useNativeCallbackFunctions = false, bool useHessianApproximation = false, bool useIntermediateCallback = false ) : System |
Constructor for creating a subclassed Ipopt Problem object using managed or native function delegates. This is the preferred constructor when subclassing IpoptProblem. Prerequisite is that the managed/native optimization function delegates are implemented in the inheriting class. This function initializes an object that can be passed to the IpoptSolve call. It contains the basic definition of the optimization problem, such as number of variables and constraints, bounds on variables and constraints, information about the derivatives, and the callback function for the computation of the optimization problem functions and derivatives. During this call, the options file ipopt.opt is read as well.
Метод | Описание | |
eval_f ( int n, double x, IpoptBoolType new_x, double &obj_value, |
eval_g ( int n, double x, IpoptBoolType new_x, int m, double g, |
eval_grad_f ( int n, double x, IpoptBoolType new_x, double grad_f, |
eval_h ( int n, |
eval_h ( int n, double x, IpoptBoolType new_x, double obj_factor, int m, double lambda, IpoptBoolType new_lambda, int nele_hess, int iRow, int jCol, double values, |
eval_jac_g ( int n, |
eval_jac_g ( int n, double x, IpoptBoolType new_x, int m, int nele_jac, int iRow, int jCol, double values, |
intermediate ( IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du, double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials, |
public AddOption ( string keyword, double val ) : bool | ||
keyword | string | Name of option |
val | double | Floating point value of option |
Результат | bool |
public AddOption ( string keyword, int val ) : bool | ||
keyword | string | Name of option |
val | int | Integer value of option |
Результат | bool |
public AddOption ( string keyword, string val ) : bool | ||
keyword | string | Name of option |
val | string | String value of option |
Результат | bool |
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void | ||
disposing | bool | true if Dispose method is explicitly called, false otherwise. |
Результат | void |
public IpoptProblem ( int n, double x_L, double x_U, int m, double g_L, double g_U, int nele_jac, int nele_hess, Eval_F_CB eval_f_cb, Eval_G_CB eval_g_cb, Eval_Grad_F_CB eval_grad_f_cb, Eval_Jac_G_CB eval_jac_g_cb, Eval_H_CB eval_h_cb ) : System | ||
n | int | Number of optimization variables |
x_L | double | Lower bounds on variables. This array of size n is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// less or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_lower_bound_inf' is interpreted to be minus infinity. |
x_U | double | Upper bounds on variables. This array of size n is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// greater or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_upper_bound_inf' is interpreted to be plus infinity. |
m | int | Number of constraints. |
g_L | double | Lower bounds on constraints. This array of size m is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// less or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_lower_bound_inf' is interpreted to be minus infinity. |
g_U | double | Upper bounds on constraints. This array of size m is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// greater or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_upper_bound_inf' is interpreted to be plus infinity. |
nele_jac | int | Number of non-zero elements in constraint Jacobian. |
nele_hess | int | Number of non-zero elements in Hessian of Lagrangian. |
eval_f_cb | Eval_F_CB | Native callback function for evaluating objective function |
eval_g_cb | Eval_G_CB | Native callback function for evaluating constraint functions |
eval_grad_f_cb | Eval_Grad_F_CB | Native callback function for evaluating gradient of objective function |
eval_jac_g_cb | Eval_Jac_G_CB | Native callback function for evaluating Jacobian of constraint functions |
eval_h_cb | Eval_H_CB | Native callback function for evaluating Hessian of Lagrangian function |
Результат | System |
public IpoptProblem ( int n, double x_L, double x_U, int m, double g_L, double g_U, int nele_jac, int nele_hess, EvaluateObjectiveDelegate eval_f_cb, EvaluateConstraintsDelegate eval_g_cb, EvaluateObjectiveGradientDelegate eval_grad_f_cb, EvaluateJacobianDelegate eval_jac_g_cb, EvaluateHessianDelegate eval_h_cb ) : System | ||
n | int | Number of optimization variables |
x_L | double | Lower bounds on variables. This array of size n is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// less or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_lower_bound_inf' is interpreted to be minus infinity. |
x_U | double | Upper bounds on variables. This array of size n is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// greater or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_upper_bound_inf' is interpreted to be plus infinity. |
m | int | Number of constraints. |
g_L | double | Lower bounds on constraints. This array of size m is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// less or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_lower_bound_inf' is interpreted to be minus infinity. |
g_U | double | Upper bounds on constraints. This array of size m is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// greater or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_upper_bound_inf' is interpreted to be plus infinity. |
nele_jac | int | Number of non-zero elements in constraint Jacobian. |
nele_hess | int | Number of non-zero elements in Hessian of Lagrangian. |
eval_f_cb | EvaluateObjectiveDelegate | Managed callback function for evaluating objective function |
eval_g_cb | EvaluateConstraintsDelegate | Managed callback function for evaluating constraint functions |
eval_grad_f_cb | EvaluateObjectiveGradientDelegate | Managed callback function for evaluating gradient of objective function |
eval_jac_g_cb | EvaluateJacobianDelegate | Managed callback function for evaluating Jacobian of constraint functions |
eval_h_cb | EvaluateHessianDelegate | Managed callback function for evaluating Hessian of Lagrangian function |
Результат | System |
protected IpoptProblem ( int n, double x_L, double x_U, int m, double g_L, double g_U, int nele_jac, int nele_hess, bool useNativeCallbackFunctions = false, bool useHessianApproximation = false, bool useIntermediateCallback = false ) : System | ||
n | int | Number of optimization variables |
x_L | double | Lower bounds on variables. This array of size n is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// less or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_lower_bound_inf' is interpreted to be minus infinity. |
x_U | double | Upper bounds on variables. This array of size n is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// greater or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_upper_bound_inf' is interpreted to be plus infinity. |
m | int | Number of constraints. |
g_L | double | Lower bounds on constraints. This array of size m is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// less or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_lower_bound_inf' is interpreted to be minus infinity. |
g_U | double | Upper bounds on constraints. This array of size m is copied internally, so that the /// caller can change the incoming data after return without that IpoptProblem is modified. Any value /// greater or equal than the number specified by option 'nlp_upper_bound_inf' is interpreted to be plus infinity. |
nele_jac | int | Number of non-zero elements in constraint Jacobian. |
nele_hess | int | Number of non-zero elements in Hessian of Lagrangian. |
useNativeCallbackFunctions | bool | If set to true, native callback functions are used to setup /// the Ipopt problem; if set to false, managed callback functions are used. |
useHessianApproximation | bool | If set to true, the Ipopt optimizer creates a limited memory /// Hessian approximation and the eval_h (managed or native) method need not be implemented. /// If set to false, an exact Hessian should be evaluated using the appropriate Hessian evaluation method. |
useIntermediateCallback | bool | If set to true, the intermediate method (managed or native) will be called /// after each full iteration. If false, the intermediate callback function will not be called. |
Результат | System |
public OpenOutputFile ( string file_name, int print_level ) : bool | ||
file_name | string | Name of output file |
print_level | int | Level of printed information |
Результат | bool |
public SetIntermediateCallback ( IntermediateDelegate intermediate_cb ) : bool | ||
intermediate_cb | IntermediateDelegate | Managed intermediate callback function |
Результат | bool |
public SetIntermediateCallback ( Intermediate_CB intermediate_cb ) : bool | ||
intermediate_cb | Intermediate_CB | Native intermediate callback function |
Результат | bool |
public SetScaling ( double obj_scaling, double x_scaling, double g_scaling ) : bool | ||
obj_scaling | double | Scaling of the objective function |
x_scaling | double | Scaling of the problem variables |
g_scaling | double | Scaling of the constraint functions |
Результат | bool |
public SolveProblem ( double x, double &obj_val, double g = null, double mult_g = null, double mult_x_L = null, double mult_x_U = null ) : IpoptReturnCode | ||
x | double | Input: Starting point; Output: Optimal solution |
obj_val | double | Final value of objective function (output only) |
g | double | Values of constraint at final point (output only - ignored if null on input) |
mult_g | double | Final multipliers for constraints (output only - ignored if null on input) |
mult_x_L | double | Final multipliers for lower variable bounds (output only - ignored if null on input) |
mult_x_U | double | Final multipliers for upper variable bounds (output only - ignored if null on input) |
Результат | IpoptReturnCode |
public eval_f ( int n, double x, bool new_x, double &obj_value ) : bool | ||
n | int | |
x | double | |
new_x | bool | |
obj_value | double | |
Результат | bool |
public eval_g ( int n, double x, bool new_x, int m, double g ) : bool | ||
n | int | |
x | double | |
new_x | bool | |
m | int | |
g | double | |
Результат | bool |
public eval_grad_f ( int n, double x, bool new_x, double grad_f ) : bool | ||
n | int | |
x | double | |
new_x | bool | |
grad_f | double | |
Результат | bool |
public eval_h ( int n, double x, bool new_x, double obj_factor, int m, double lambda, bool new_lambda, int nele_hess, int iRow, int jCol, double values ) : bool | ||
n | int | |
x | double | |
new_x | bool | |
obj_factor | double | |
m | int | |
lambda | double | |
new_lambda | bool | |
nele_hess | int | |
iRow | int | |
jCol | int | |
values | double | |
Результат | bool |
public eval_jac_g ( int n, double x, bool new_x, int m, int nele_jac, int iRow, int jCol, double values ) : bool | ||
n | int | |
x | double | |
new_x | bool | |
m | int | |
nele_jac | int | |
iRow | int | |
jCol | int | |
values | double | |
Результат | bool |
public intermediate ( IpoptAlgorithmMode alg_mod, int iter_count, double obj_value, double inf_pr, double inf_du, double mu, double d_norm, double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr, int ls_trials ) : bool | ||
alg_mod | IpoptAlgorithmMode | |
iter_count | int | |
obj_value | double | |
inf_pr | double | |
inf_du | double | |
mu | double | |
d_norm | double | |
regularization_size | double | |
alpha_du | double | |
alpha_pr | double | |
ls_trials | int | |
Результат | bool |