C# Класс Composite.Data.Types.IMediaFileFolderUtils

Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateFolderPath ( string parentFolderPath, string folderName ) : string

Creates a folder path given folder path and the name of the folder

CreateFolderPath ( this parentMediaFolder, string folderName ) : string

Creates a folder path given folder path and the name of the folder

DoesFolderExists ( string path ) : bool

Returns true if the given media folder path exists

DoesFolderExists ( this mediaFileFolder ) : bool

Returns true if the given media folder exists

DoesParentFolderExists ( this mediaFileFolder ) : bool

Returns true if the given media folders parent folder exists

GetParentFolderPath ( string path ) : string

Returns the parent folder for the given media folder path

GetParentFolderPath ( this mediaFileFolder ) : string

Returns the parent folder for the given media folder

Описание методов

CreateFolderPath() публичный статический Метод

Creates a folder path given folder path and the name of the folder
public static CreateFolderPath ( string parentFolderPath, string folderName ) : string
parentFolderPath string
folderName string
Результат string

CreateFolderPath() публичный статический Метод

Creates a folder path given folder path and the name of the folder
public static CreateFolderPath ( this parentMediaFolder, string folderName ) : string
parentMediaFolder this
folderName string
Результат string

DoesFolderExists() публичный статический Метод

Returns true if the given media folder path exists
public static DoesFolderExists ( string path ) : bool
path string
Результат bool

DoesFolderExists() публичный статический Метод

Returns true if the given media folder exists
public static DoesFolderExists ( this mediaFileFolder ) : bool
mediaFileFolder this
Результат bool

DoesParentFolderExists() публичный статический Метод

Returns true if the given media folders parent folder exists
public static DoesParentFolderExists ( this mediaFileFolder ) : bool
mediaFileFolder this
Результат bool

GetParentFolderPath() публичный статический Метод

Returns the parent folder for the given media folder path
public static GetParentFolderPath ( string path ) : string
path string
Результат string

GetParentFolderPath() публичный статический Метод

Returns the parent folder for the given media folder
public static GetParentFolderPath ( this mediaFileFolder ) : string
mediaFileFolder this
Результат string