C# Класс ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.ViewDrawMenuColorBlock

Draw a solid color block inside a context menu color column.
Наследование: ViewLeaf
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Close ( CloseReasonEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the Close event on the provider.

Closing ( CancelEventArgs cea ) : void

Raises the Closing event on the provider.

GetPreferredSize ( ViewLayoutContext context ) : Size

Discover the preferred size of the element.

Layout ( ViewLayoutContext context ) : void

Perform a layout of the elements.

RenderAfter ( RenderContext context ) : void

Perform rendering after child elements are rendered.

RenderBefore ( RenderContext context ) : void

Perform rendering before child elements are rendered.

ToString ( ) : string

Obtains the String representation of this instance.

ViewDrawMenuColorBlock ( IContextMenuProvider provider, KryptonContextMenuColorColumns colorColumns, Color color, bool first, bool last, bool enabled ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the ViewDrawMenuColorBlock class.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
OnClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Описание методов

Close() публичный Метод

Raises the Close event on the provider.
public Close ( CloseReasonEventArgs e ) : void
e CloseReasonEventArgs A CancelEventArgs containing the event data.
Результат void

Closing() публичный Метод

Raises the Closing event on the provider.
public Closing ( CancelEventArgs cea ) : void
cea CancelEventArgs A CancelEventArgs containing the event data.
Результат void

GetPreferredSize() публичный Метод

Discover the preferred size of the element.
public GetPreferredSize ( ViewLayoutContext context ) : Size
context ViewLayoutContext Layout context.
Результат System.Drawing.Size

Layout() публичный Метод

Perform a layout of the elements.
public Layout ( ViewLayoutContext context ) : void
context ViewLayoutContext Layout context.
Результат void

RenderAfter() публичный Метод

Perform rendering after child elements are rendered.
public RenderAfter ( RenderContext context ) : void
context RenderContext Rendering context.
Результат void

RenderBefore() публичный Метод

Perform rendering before child elements are rendered.
public RenderBefore ( RenderContext context ) : void
context RenderContext Rendering context.
Результат void

ToString() публичный Метод

Obtains the String representation of this instance.
public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string

ViewDrawMenuColorBlock() публичный Метод

Initialize a new instance of the ViewDrawMenuColorBlock class.
public ViewDrawMenuColorBlock ( IContextMenuProvider provider, KryptonContextMenuColorColumns colorColumns, Color color, bool first, bool last, bool enabled ) : System
provider IContextMenuProvider Reference to provider.
colorColumns KryptonContextMenuColorColumns Reference to owning color columns entry.
color Color Drawing color for the block.
first bool Is this element first in column.
last bool Is this element last in column.
enabled bool Is this column enabled
Результат System