C# Класс ComponentFactory.Krypton.Navigator.ViewLayoutInsetOverlap

View element that insets children by the border rounding value of a source.
Наследование: ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.ViewComposite
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetPreferredSize ( ViewLayoutContext context ) : Size

Discover the preferred size of the element.

Layout ( ViewLayoutContext context ) : void

Perform a layout of the elements.

ToString ( ) : string

Obtains the String representation of this instance.

ViewLayoutInsetOverlap ( ViewDrawCanvas drawCanvas ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the ViewLayoutInsetOverlap class.

Описание методов

GetPreferredSize() публичный Метод

Discover the preferred size of the element.
public GetPreferredSize ( ViewLayoutContext context ) : Size
context ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.ViewLayoutContext Layout context.
Результат System.Drawing.Size

Layout() публичный Метод

Perform a layout of the elements.
public Layout ( ViewLayoutContext context ) : void
context ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.ViewLayoutContext Layout context.
Результат void

ToString() публичный Метод

Obtains the String representation of this instance.
public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string

ViewLayoutInsetOverlap() публичный Метод

Initialize a new instance of the ViewLayoutInsetOverlap class.
public ViewLayoutInsetOverlap ( ViewDrawCanvas drawCanvas ) : System
drawCanvas ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.ViewDrawCanvas
Результат System