C# Класс CmisSync.Lib.Producer.Crawler.LocalEventGenerator

Generates ChangeEvents from the local tree and a list of all stored objects.
/// The exception that is thrown when a null /// reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. ///
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateEvents ( List storedObjects, IObjectTree localTree, AbstractFolderEvent>.Dictionary eventMap, ISet handledStoredObjects ) : List

Creates the local events and returns the creationEvents, the other Events are stored in the eventMap, handled objects are removed from storedObjects

LocalEventGenerator ( IMetaDataStorage storage, IFileSystemInfoFactory fsFactory = null ) : System

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreateLocalEventBasedOnStorage ( IFileSystemInfo fsObject, IMappedObject storedParent, IMappedObject storedMappedChild ) : AbstractFolderEvent
GenerateCreatedEvent ( IFileSystemInfo fsInfo ) : AbstractFolderEvent
GetCorrespondingRemoteEvent ( AbstractFolderEvent>.Dictionary eventMap, IMappedObject storedMappedChild ) : AbstractFolderEvent

Описание методов

CreateEvents() публичный Метод

Creates the local events and returns the creationEvents, the other Events are stored in the eventMap, handled objects are removed from storedObjects
public CreateEvents ( List storedObjects, IObjectTree localTree, AbstractFolderEvent>.Dictionary eventMap, ISet handledStoredObjects ) : List
storedObjects List /// Stored objects. ///
localTree IObjectTree /// Local tree. ///
eventMap AbstractFolderEvent>.Dictionary /// Event map. ///
handledStoredObjects ISet
Результат List

LocalEventGenerator() публичный Метод

public LocalEventGenerator ( IMetaDataStorage storage, IFileSystemInfoFactory fsFactory = null ) : System
storage IMetaDataStorage
fsFactory IFileSystemInfoFactory
Результат System