C# Класс Cilador.Graph.GraphCropper

Given a set of vertices and an ICilGraph, produces a new ICilGraph composed solely of vertices and edges traversable from the given vertices.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Crop ( ICilGraph sourceGraph ) : ICilGraph

Given a source graph and a set of start items, returns a minimal subset of the source graph that contains all start items

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Метод Описание
FindMinimalVerticesSubset ( ICilGraph sourceGraph, IEnumerable startItems ) : HashSet

Retrieves the minimal subset of vertices from the sourceGraph that are required to fully support the startItems.

Описание методов

Crop() публичный Метод

Given a source graph and a set of start items, returns a minimal subset of the source graph that contains all start items
public Crop ( ICilGraph sourceGraph ) : ICilGraph
sourceGraph ICilGraph Source graph for the crop operation
Результат ICilGraph