C# Класс Cilador.Fody.Core.WeavingContextAssemblyResolver

Resolves assemblies based on the project path and the solution path of a weaving context. Looks for assemblies in the output path of the project and within a directory named "Tools" in the solution path of the project.
Наследование: Mono.Cecil.DefaultAssemblyResolver
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
WeavingContextAssemblyResolver ( IWeavingContext weavingContext ) : System

Creates a new WeavingContextAssemblyResolver

Описание методов

WeavingContextAssemblyResolver() публичный Метод

Creates a new WeavingContextAssemblyResolver
public WeavingContextAssemblyResolver ( IWeavingContext weavingContext ) : System
weavingContext IWeavingContext Weaving context to pull path data from
Результат System