C# Класс Catel.Logging.BatchLogListenerBase

Base class for log listeners that can write in batches.
Наследование: LogListenerBase, IBatchLogListener
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BatchLogListenerBase ( int maxBatchCount = 100 ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the BatchLogListenerBase class.

Flush ( ) : Task

Flushes the current queue asynchronous.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Write ( ILog log, string message, LogEvent logEvent, object extraData, LogData logData, System.DateTime time ) : void

Called when any message is written to the log.

WriteBatchAsync ( List batchEntries ) : Task

Writes the batch of entries.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
OnTimerTick ( object state ) : void
WriteBatch ( List batchEntries ) : Task

Описание методов

BatchLogListenerBase() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the BatchLogListenerBase class.
public BatchLogListenerBase ( int maxBatchCount = 100 ) : System
maxBatchCount int The maximum batch count.
Результат System

Flush() публичный Метод

Flushes the current queue asynchronous.
public Flush ( ) : Task
Результат Task

Write() защищенный Метод

Called when any message is written to the log.
protected Write ( ILog log, string message, LogEvent logEvent, object extraData, LogData logData, System.DateTime time ) : void
log ILog The log.
message string The message.
logEvent LogEvent The log event.
extraData object The additional data.
logData LogData The log data.
time System.DateTime The time.
Результат void

WriteBatchAsync() защищенный Метод

Writes the batch of entries.
protected WriteBatchAsync ( List batchEntries ) : Task
batchEntries List The batch entries.
Результат Task