C# Класс Castle.MonoRail.Framework.FileAssemblyViewSourceLoader

Default IViewSourceLoader implementation that uses the file system and assembly source as source of view templates
Наследование: IViewSourceLoader, IServiceEnabledComponent
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddAssemblySource ( AssemblySourceInfo assemblySourceInfo ) : void

Adds the assembly source.

GetViewSource ( String templateName ) : IViewSource

Builds and returns a representation of a view template

HasTemplate ( String templateName ) : bool

Evaluates whether the specified template exists.

ListViews ( String dirName ) : String[]

Gets a list of views on the specified directory

Service ( IServiceProvider provider ) : void

Services the specified provider.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CollectViewsOnAssemblies ( string dirName, ArrayList views ) : void
CollectViewsOnFileSystem ( string dirName, ArrayList views ) : void
CreateFileInfo ( string templateName ) : FileInfo
DisposeViewFolderWatch ( ) : void
GetStreamFromAdditionalSources ( string templateName ) : IViewSource
HasTemplateOnAssemblies ( string templateName ) : bool
HasTemplateOnFileSystem ( string templateName ) : bool
InitViewFolderWatch ( ) : void
viewFolderWatcher_Changed ( object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e ) : void

Описание методов

AddAssemblySource() публичный Метод

Adds the assembly source.
public AddAssemblySource ( AssemblySourceInfo assemblySourceInfo ) : void
assemblySourceInfo AssemblySourceInfo The assembly source info.
Результат void

GetViewSource() публичный Метод

Builds and returns a representation of a view template
public GetViewSource ( String templateName ) : IViewSource
templateName String The template name
Результат IViewSource

HasTemplate() публичный Метод

Evaluates whether the specified template exists.
public HasTemplate ( String templateName ) : bool
templateName String The template name
Результат bool

ListViews() публичный Метод

Gets a list of views on the specified directory
public ListViews ( String dirName ) : String[]
dirName String Directory name
Результат String[]

Service() публичный Метод

Services the specified provider.
public Service ( IServiceProvider provider ) : void
provider IServiceProvider The provider.
Результат void