C# Класс Castle.MonoRail.Framework.Services.AjaxProxyGenerator.PrototypeAjaxProxyGenerator

Provides a service which generates a JavaScript block, that can be used to call Ajax actions on the controller. This JavaScript will use the Prototype syntax.
Наследование: AbstractAjaxProxyGenerator
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GenerateJSProxy ( IRailsEngineContext context, string proxyName, string area, string controller ) : String

Generates an AJAX JavaScript proxy for a given controller.

PrototypeAjaxProxyGenerator ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the PrototypeAjaxProxyGenerator class.

Service ( IServiceProvider provider ) : void

Invoked by the framework in order to give a chance to obtain other services

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetParameterName ( ParameterInfo paramInfo ) : string

Gets the name of the parameter.

GetPropertyValue ( object obj, string propName ) : object

Gets the property value.

GetSingleAttribute ( ICustomAttributeProvider obj, Type attributeType, bool inherit ) : object

Gets the single attribute.

ToCamelCase ( string value ) : string

Toes the camel case.

Описание методов

GenerateJSProxy() публичный Метод

Generates an AJAX JavaScript proxy for a given controller.
public GenerateJSProxy ( IRailsEngineContext context, string proxyName, string area, string controller ) : String
context IRailsEngineContext The context of the current request
proxyName string Name of the javascript proxy object
area string area which the controller belongs to
controller string Controller which will be target of the proxy
Результат String

PrototypeAjaxProxyGenerator() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the PrototypeAjaxProxyGenerator class.
public PrototypeAjaxProxyGenerator ( ) : System
Результат System

Service() публичный Метод

Invoked by the framework in order to give a chance to obtain other services
public Service ( IServiceProvider provider ) : void
provider IServiceProvider The service proviver
Результат void