C# Класс Castle.Facilities.Remoting.RemotingInspector

Inspects the model looking for remote component configuration. If found, do the component Remoting configuration.
Наследование: IContributeComponentModelConstruction
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ProcessModel ( IKernel kernel, ComponentModel model ) : void
RemotingInspector ( ITypeConverter converter, bool isServer, bool isClient, String baseUri, RemotingRegistry remoteRegistry, RemotingRegistry localRegistry ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the RemotingInspector class.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
BuildUri ( ComponentModel model ) : String
CheckHasBaseURI ( ) : void
CheckURIIsNotNull ( String uri, String componentId ) : void
ConfigureClientComponent ( RemotingStrategy client, Type type, ComponentModel model ) : void
ConfigureServerComponent ( RemotingStrategy server, Type type, ComponentModel model ) : void
ConstructClientURI ( RemotingStrategy client, ComponentModel model ) : String
ConstructServerURI ( RemotingStrategy server, ComponentModel model ) : String
DoSemanticCheck ( RemotingStrategy server, ComponentModel model, RemotingStrategy client ) : void
SetUriExtensionIfNeeded ( string uri ) : string
ValidateLifeStyle ( ComponentModel model ) : void

Описание методов

ProcessModel() публичный Метод

public ProcessModel ( IKernel kernel, ComponentModel model ) : void
kernel IKernel
model Castle.Core.ComponentModel
Результат void

RemotingInspector() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the RemotingInspector class.
public RemotingInspector ( ITypeConverter converter, bool isServer, bool isClient, String baseUri, RemotingRegistry remoteRegistry, RemotingRegistry localRegistry ) : System
converter ITypeConverter The converter.
isServer bool if set to true is a server.
isClient bool if set to true is a client.
baseUri String The base URI.
remoteRegistry RemotingRegistry The remote registry.
localRegistry RemotingRegistry The local registry.
Результат System