C# Класс Castle.Components.Scheduler.PeriodicTrigger

Наследование: Trigger
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Clone ( ) : Trigger
CreateDailyTrigger ( System.DateTime startTimeUtc ) : PeriodicTrigger

Creates a trigger that fires every 24 hours beginning at the specified start time.

This method does not take into account local time variations such as Daylight Saving Time. Use a more sophisticated calendar-based trigger for that purpose.

CreateOneShotTrigger ( System.DateTime fireTimeUtc ) : PeriodicTrigger

Creates a trigger that fires exactly once at the specified time.

PeriodicTrigger ( System.DateTime startTimeUtc, System.DateTime endTimeUtc, System.TimeSpan period, int jobExecutionCount ) : System.Collections.Generic

Creates a periodic trigger.

Schedule ( TriggerScheduleCondition condition, System.DateTime timeBasisUtc, JobExecutionDetails lastJobExecutionDetails ) : TriggerScheduleAction

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ScheduleSuggestedAction ( TriggerScheduleAction action, System.DateTime timeBasisUtc ) : TriggerScheduleAction

Описание методов

Clone() публичный Метод

public Clone ( ) : Trigger
Результат Trigger

CreateDailyTrigger() публичный статический Метод

Creates a trigger that fires every 24 hours beginning at the specified start time.
This method does not take into account local time variations such as Daylight Saving Time. Use a more sophisticated calendar-based trigger for that purpose.
public static CreateDailyTrigger ( System.DateTime startTimeUtc ) : PeriodicTrigger
startTimeUtc System.DateTime The UTC date and time when the trigger will first fire
Результат PeriodicTrigger

CreateOneShotTrigger() публичный статический Метод

Creates a trigger that fires exactly once at the specified time.
public static CreateOneShotTrigger ( System.DateTime fireTimeUtc ) : PeriodicTrigger
fireTimeUtc System.DateTime The UTC time at which the trigger should fire
Результат PeriodicTrigger

PeriodicTrigger() публичный Метод

Creates a periodic trigger.
Thrown if is negative or zero Thrown if is negative
public PeriodicTrigger ( System.DateTime startTimeUtc, System.DateTime endTimeUtc, System.TimeSpan period, int jobExecutionCount ) : System.Collections.Generic
startTimeUtc System.DateTime The UTC date and time when the trigger will first fire
endTimeUtc System.DateTime The UTC date and time when the trigger must stop firing. /// If the time is set to null, the trigger may continue firing indefinitely.
period System.TimeSpan The recurrence period of the trigger. /// If the period is set to null, the trigger will fire exactly once /// and never recur.
jobExecutionCount int The number of job executions remaining before the trigger /// stops firing. This number is decremented each time the job executes /// until it reaches zero. If the count is set to null, the number of times the job /// may execute is unlimited.
Результат System.Collections.Generic

Schedule() публичный Метод

public Schedule ( TriggerScheduleCondition condition, System.DateTime timeBasisUtc, JobExecutionDetails lastJobExecutionDetails ) : TriggerScheduleAction
condition TriggerScheduleCondition
timeBasisUtc System.DateTime
lastJobExecutionDetails JobExecutionDetails
Результат TriggerScheduleAction