C# Класс CanvasDiploidCaller.CanvasDiploidCaller

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
CoverageWeighting double
IsDbsnpVcf bool
TempFolder string

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
MeanCoverage float
MedianHetSnpsDistance int
MinimumVariantFrequenciesForInformativeSegment int

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AggregateCounts ( List &segments ) : float[]
AggregateVariantCoverage ( List &segments ) : int
CallVariants ( string variantFrequencyFile, string inFile, string outFile, string ploidyBedPath, string referenceFolder, string sampleName, string truthDataPath ) : int
InitializePloidies ( ) : void

Setup: Model various copy ploidies.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
GetKnownCNForSegment ( CanvasSegment segment ) : int

Check whether we know the CN for this segment. Look for a known-CN interval that covers (at least half of) this segment. Return -1 if we don't know its CN.

GetProjectedMeanCoverage ( double diploidCoverage ) : double[]

Compute the expected bin counts for each copy number, given a specified bin count for CN=2 regions

InitializeModelPoints ( CoverageModel model ) : List

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AssignPloidyCallsDistance ( CoverageModel model, List segments, int medianVariantCoverage ) : void
AssignPloidyCallsGaussianMixture ( ) : void

Assign a SegmentPloidy to each CanvasSegment, based on which model matches this segment best:

FitGaussians ( CoverageModel model, List segments, string debugPath = null ) : double

Fit a Gaussian mixture model. Fix the means to the model MAF and Coverage and run the EM algorithm until convergence. Compute the empirical MAF and Coverage. Fix the means to the empirical MAF and Coverage and run the EM algorithm again until convergence. Always estimate the full covariance matrix?

GenerateReportVersusKnownCN ( ) : void

Generate a table listing segments (and several features), and noting which are accurate (copy number exactly matches truth set) or directionally accurate (copy number and truth set are both <2, both =2, or both >2) This table will become our collection of feature vectors for training q-scores!

Описание методов

AggregateCounts() публичный статический Метод

public static AggregateCounts ( List &segments ) : float[]
segments List
Результат float[]

AggregateVariantCoverage() публичный статический Метод

public static AggregateVariantCoverage ( List &segments ) : int
segments List
Результат int

CallVariants() публичный Метод

public CallVariants ( string variantFrequencyFile, string inFile, string outFile, string ploidyBedPath, string referenceFolder, string sampleName, string truthDataPath ) : int
variantFrequencyFile string
inFile string
outFile string
ploidyBedPath string
referenceFolder string
sampleName string
truthDataPath string
Результат int

GetKnownCNForSegment() защищенный Метод

Check whether we know the CN for this segment. Look for a known-CN interval that covers (at least half of) this segment. Return -1 if we don't know its CN.
protected GetKnownCNForSegment ( CanvasSegment segment ) : int
segment CanvasCommon.CanvasSegment
Результат int

GetProjectedMeanCoverage() защищенный статический Метод

Compute the expected bin counts for each copy number, given a specified bin count for CN=2 regions
protected static GetProjectedMeanCoverage ( double diploidCoverage ) : double[]
diploidCoverage double
Результат double[]

InitializeModelPoints() защищенный Метод

protected InitializeModelPoints ( CoverageModel model ) : List
model CanvasCommon.CoverageModel
Результат List

InitializePloidies() публичный Метод

Setup: Model various copy ploidies.
public InitializePloidies ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

CoverageWeighting публичное статическое свойство

public static double CoverageWeighting
Результат double

IsDbsnpVcf публичное свойство

public bool IsDbsnpVcf
Результат bool

MeanCoverage защищенное свойство

protected float MeanCoverage
Результат float

MedianHetSnpsDistance защищенное свойство

protected int MedianHetSnpsDistance
Результат int

MinimumVariantFrequenciesForInformativeSegment защищенное статическое свойство

protected static int MinimumVariantFrequenciesForInformativeSegment
Результат int

TempFolder публичное свойство

public string TempFolder
Результат string