C# Класс CTCClassSchedule.AutomatedFootnotesConfig

A handler class for the Automated Footnote settings in the web.config
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
_footnoteInstances AutomatedFootnoteElement>.Dictionary

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Footnotes ( string footnoteName ) : AutomatedFootnoteElement

Returns a footnote message element based on the name.

getAutomatedFootnotesText ( Section section ) : string

Takes a Section and produces all automated messages that the section should display.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AutomatedFootnotesConfig ( ) : System

Constructor. Initiates the serialization of the automated footnotes section in the web.config file.

GetFootnoteInstances ( AutomatedFootnoteCollection collection ) : AutomatedFootnoteElement>.Dictionary

Returns a dictionary of all elements within a given collection of footnote messages. The key is the name of the footnote element, the value is the element itself.

buildFootnoteText ( System.Boolean differentStartFlag, System.Boolean differentEndFlag, System.Boolean hybridFlag, System.Boolean telecourseFlag, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : string
getApplicableDateFootnote ( System.Boolean differentStartFlag, System.Boolean differentEndFlag, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : AutomatedFootnoteElement

Uses a section's start/end date to determine an applicable date footnote. By design, at most one date related footnote will be relevant to any given section. This method determines and returns the applicable footnote, should one exist.

Описание методов

Footnotes() публичный статический Метод

Returns a footnote message element based on the name.
public static Footnotes ( string footnoteName ) : AutomatedFootnoteElement
footnoteName string The anme of the element you want.
Результат AutomatedFootnoteElement

getAutomatedFootnotesText() публичный статический Метод

Takes a Section and produces all automated messages that the section should display.
public static getAutomatedFootnotesText ( Section section ) : string
section Ctc.Ods.Types.Section The section to base the generated footnote messages on.
Результат string

Описание свойств

_footnoteInstances защищенное статическое свойство

Private dictionary that maps the name of each automated footnote message to the footnote element itself.
protected static Dictionary _footnoteInstances
Результат AutomatedFootnoteElement>.Dictionary