C# Класс CSharp___DllImport.Phone.KeyboardHook

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
EnableHardwareKeyboard ( bool bEnable ) : bool

The EnableHardwareKeyboard function is useful for applications in which a user can write on the touch screen. When the keyboard is disabled, a user can rest a hand on it without causing spurious keyboard input. Use the disable mode carefully. If an application hangs while the keyboard is disabled, the keyboard is not available to other applications.

GetKeyState ( WM nVirtKey ) : short

Not sure if those are used in WP7

GetKeyboardStatus ( ) : KBDI_KEYBOARD
IsKeyDown ( PhysicalKeys key ) : bool
StartHook ( PhysicalKeys listenFor ) : void
StopHook ( ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
IsLongHold ( PhysicalKeys key ) : bool
KeyboardHook ( ) : System

Описание методов

EnableHardwareKeyboard() публичный статический Метод

The EnableHardwareKeyboard function is useful for applications in which a user can write on the touch screen. When the keyboard is disabled, a user can rest a hand on it without causing spurious keyboard input. Use the disable mode carefully. If an application hangs while the keyboard is disabled, the keyboard is not available to other applications.
public static EnableHardwareKeyboard ( bool bEnable ) : bool
bEnable bool [in] Boolean value that specifies whether to enable or disable the keyboard. Set it to TRUE to enable the keyboard or FALSE to disable it.
Результат bool

GetKeyState() публичный статический Метод

Not sure if those are used in WP7
public static GetKeyState ( WM nVirtKey ) : short
nVirtKey WM
Результат short

GetKeyboardStatus() публичный статический Метод

public static GetKeyboardStatus ( ) : KBDI_KEYBOARD

IsKeyDown() публичный статический Метод

public static IsKeyDown ( PhysicalKeys key ) : bool
key PhysicalKeys
Результат bool

StartHook() публичный статический Метод

public static StartHook ( PhysicalKeys listenFor ) : void
listenFor PhysicalKeys
Результат void

StopHook() публичный статический Метод

public static StopHook ( ) : void
Результат void