C# Класс CK.RouteConfig.Impl.MetaConfiguration

Base class for meta configuration object: those objects configure the configuration.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CheckActionNameValidity ( string routeName, IActivityMonitor monitor, string nameToCheck ) : bool

Implements standard name checking for ActionConfiguration.Name. The provided nameToCheck must not be null or empty or contains only whitespaces nor '/' character. The '/' is reserved to structure the namespace.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Apply ( IProtoRouteConfigurationContext protoContext ) : void

Applies the configuration (first step). By default, adds this meta configuration to the context so that Apply(IRouteConfigurationContext) will be called.

Apply ( IRouteConfigurationContext context ) : void

Applies the configuration (second step).

CheckValidity ( string routeName, IActivityMonitor monitor ) : bool

Check the configuration validity.

Описание методов

Apply() защищенный Метод

Applies the configuration (first step). By default, adds this meta configuration to the context so that Apply(IRouteConfigurationContext) will be called.
protected Apply ( IProtoRouteConfigurationContext protoContext ) : void
protoContext IProtoRouteConfigurationContext Enables context lookup and manipulation, exposes a to use.
Результат void

Apply() защищенный абстрактный Метод

Applies the configuration (second step).
protected abstract Apply ( IRouteConfigurationContext context ) : void
context IRouteConfigurationContext Enables context lookup and manipulation, exposes a to use.
Результат void

CheckActionNameValidity() статический публичный Метод

Implements standard name checking for ActionConfiguration.Name. The provided nameToCheck must not be null or empty or contains only whitespaces nor '/' character. The '/' is reserved to structure the namespace.
static public CheckActionNameValidity ( string routeName, IActivityMonitor monitor, string nameToCheck ) : bool
routeName string The name of the route that contains the action.
monitor IActivityMonitor The monitor that will receive error descriptions.
nameToCheck string The name to check.
Результат bool

CheckValidity() защищенный абстрактный Метод

Check the configuration validity.
protected abstract CheckValidity ( string routeName, IActivityMonitor monitor ) : bool
routeName string Name of the route that contains this configuration.
monitor IActivityMonitor Monitor to use to explain errors.
Результат bool