C# Класс Bzs.Server.ServerService.LessonServerService

Represents a lesson server service.
Наследование: ServerServiceBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
DeleteLesson ( System.Guid id, System.Guid accountId ) : ResultDto

Deletes a lesson.

GetLesson ( System.Guid id, System.Guid accountId ) : LessonEditDto

Returns the lesson.

GetLessonsOfDay ( System.Guid dayId, System.Guid accountId ) : List

Returns the lessons of a day.

GetLessonsOfDayToDisplay ( System.Guid dayId, System.Guid accountId ) : List

Returns the lessons of a day to display.

GetLessonsOfWeek ( System.Guid accountId ) : List

Returns the lessons of the week.

InsertUpdateLesson ( LessonEditDto itemToSave, System.Guid accountId ) : ResultDto

Inserts or updates a lesson.

LessonServerService ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the LessonServerService class.

UpdateLesson ( LessonEditDto itemToSave, System.Guid accountId ) : ResultDto

Updates a lesson.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
FillLessonEditDto ( LessonEditDto item, LessonEntity entity ) : LessonEditDto

Fills the lesson edit data transfer object.

Описание методов

DeleteLesson() публичный Метод

Deletes a lesson.
public DeleteLesson ( System.Guid id, System.Guid accountId ) : ResultDto
id System.Guid The lesson identifier.
accountId System.Guid The account identifier.
Результат Bzs.Portable.DataTransferObjects.Base.ResultDto

GetLesson() публичный Метод

Returns the lesson.
public GetLesson ( System.Guid id, System.Guid accountId ) : LessonEditDto
id System.Guid The lesson identifier.
accountId System.Guid The account identifier.
Результат LessonEditDto

GetLessonsOfDay() публичный Метод

Returns the lessons of a day.
public GetLessonsOfDay ( System.Guid dayId, System.Guid accountId ) : List
dayId System.Guid The day identifier.
accountId System.Guid The account identifier.
Результат List

GetLessonsOfDayToDisplay() публичный Метод

Returns the lessons of a day to display.
public GetLessonsOfDayToDisplay ( System.Guid dayId, System.Guid accountId ) : List
dayId System.Guid The day identifier.
accountId System.Guid The account identifier.
Результат List

GetLessonsOfWeek() публичный Метод

Returns the lessons of the week.
public GetLessonsOfWeek ( System.Guid accountId ) : List
accountId System.Guid The account identifier.
Результат List

InsertUpdateLesson() публичный Метод

Inserts or updates a lesson.
public InsertUpdateLesson ( LessonEditDto itemToSave, System.Guid accountId ) : ResultDto
itemToSave LessonEditDto The item to save.
accountId System.Guid The account identifier.
Результат Bzs.Portable.DataTransferObjects.Base.ResultDto

LessonServerService() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the LessonServerService class.
public LessonServerService ( ) : System
Результат System

UpdateLesson() публичный Метод

Updates a lesson.
public UpdateLesson ( LessonEditDto itemToSave, System.Guid accountId ) : ResultDto
itemToSave LessonEditDto The item to save.
accountId System.Guid The account identifier.
Результат Bzs.Portable.DataTransferObjects.Base.ResultDto