Свойство | Тип | Описание | |
jsonSerializer |
Метод | Описание | |
BreezeEntityBuilder ( List |
Create an instance using a list of assemblies to probe for entity types that match the entities from the client.
BreezeEntityBuilder ( string assemblyNameContains ) : Newtonsoft.Json |
Create an instance using a string to match the assembly names. Matching assemblies will be probed for entity types that match the entities from the client.
BuildSaveWorkState ( Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject saveBundle ) : |
Create a SaveWorkState from the JObject sent by the client.
BuildSaveWorkState ( List |
Create a SaveWorkState from the raw entities sent by the client.
Метод | Описание | |
BuildEntityGroups ( List |
Create EntityGroup objects from the raw entities sent by the client.
CreateEntityInfoFromJson ( dynamic jo, |
Create an EntityInfo object from the raw client object
CreateJsonSerializerSettings ( ) : |
Create breeze-friendly serializer settings
JsonToDictionary ( dynamic json ) : Object>.Dictionary |
Convert the json object to a dictionary.
LookupEntityType ( string entityTypeName ) : |
Get the C# type from the entity type name. Uses the modelAssemblies property to look up the entities.
public BreezeEntityBuilder ( List |
assemblies | List |
List of assemblies to probe for entity types |
Результат | Newtonsoft.Json |
public BreezeEntityBuilder ( string assemblyNameContains ) : Newtonsoft.Json | ||
assemblyNameContains | string | String contained in the assembly name |
Результат | Newtonsoft.Json |
protected BuildEntityGroups ( List | ||
rawEntities | List | Objects assumed to have an entityAspect property containing the entityTypeName |
Результат | List |
public BuildSaveWorkState ( Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject saveBundle ) : |
saveBundle | Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject | JObject deserialized from Breeze client |
Результат |
public BuildSaveWorkState ( List | ||
rawEntities | List | Objects assumed to have an entityAspect property containing the entityTypeName |
Результат |
protected static CreateEntityInfoFromJson ( dynamic jo, |
jo | dynamic | Object assumed to have an entityAspect property containing entityState and optional originalValuesMap and autoGeneratedKey |
entityType | Domain model object type to create | |
Результат |
protected static CreateJsonSerializerSettings ( ) : |
Результат |
protected static JsonToDictionary ( dynamic json ) : Object>.Dictionary |
json | dynamic | Object assumed to be an IEnumerable containing JProperty objects |
Результат | Object>.Dictionary |
protected LookupEntityType ( string entityTypeName ) : |
entityTypeName | string | Name in the form "Customer:#My.App.Namespace" |
Результат |