C# Класс BoxedIce.ServerDensity.Agent.PayloadPoster

Class to POST the agent payload data to the Server Density servers.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
PayloadPoster ( AgentConfigurationSection config, object>.IDictionary results ) : System

Initialises a new instance of the PayloadPoster class with the provided values.

Post ( ) : void

Creates and sends the HTTP POST.

Приватные методы

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MD5Hash ( string input ) : string

Описание методов

PayloadPoster() публичный Метод

Initialises a new instance of the PayloadPoster class with the provided values.
public PayloadPoster ( AgentConfigurationSection config, object>.IDictionary results ) : System
config AgentConfigurationSection
results object>.IDictionary The payload dictionary.
Результат System

Post() публичный Метод

Creates and sends the HTTP POST.
public Post ( ) : void
Результат void