Метод | Описание | |
BoxLegalHoldPoliciesManager ( IBoxConfig config, IBoxService service, IBoxConverter converter, IAuthRepository auth, string asUser = null, bool suppressNotifications = null ) : Box.V2.Auth |
Create a new BoxLegalHoldPoliciesManager object.
CreateAssignmentAsync ( |
Create a new Assignment, which will apply the Legal Hold Policy to the target of the Assignment.
CreateLegalHoldPolicyAsync ( |
Create a new Legal Hold Policy. Optional date filter may be passed. If Policy has a date filter, any Custodian assignments will apply only to file versions created or uploaded inside of the date range. (Other assignment types, such as folders and files, will ignore the date filter).
DeleteAssignmentAsync ( string assignmentId ) : Task |
Sends request to delete an existing Assignment. Note that this is an asynchronous process - the Assignment will not be fully deleted yet when the response comes back.
DeleteLegalHoldPolicyAsync ( string legalHoldPolicyId ) : Task |
Sends request to delete an existing Legal Hold Policy. Note that this is an asynchronous process - the Policy will not be fully deleted yet when the response comes back.
GetAssignmentAsync ( string assignmentId ) : Task |
Get details of a single assignment.
GetAssignmentsAsync ( string legalHoldPolicyId, string fields = null, string assignToType = null, string assignToId = null, int limit = 100, string marker = null, bool autoPaginate = false ) : Task |
Get assignments for a single policy.
GetFileVersionLegalHoldAsync ( string fileVersionLegalHoldId ) : Task |
Get details of a single File Version Legal Hold.
GetFileVersionLegalHoldsAsync ( string policyId, List |
Get list of non-deleted Holds for a single Policy.
GetLegalHoldPolicyAsync ( string legalHoldId ) : Task |
Get details of a single Legal Hold Policy.
GetListLegalHoldPoliciesAsync ( string policyName = null, string fields = null, int limit = 100, string marker = null, bool autoPaginate = false ) : Task |
Get a list of Legal Hold Policies that belong to your Enterprise.
UpdateLegalHoldPolicyAsync ( string legalHoldPolicyId, |
Update existing Legal Hold Policy. Only name and description can be modified.
public BoxLegalHoldPoliciesManager ( IBoxConfig config, IBoxService service, IBoxConverter converter, IAuthRepository auth, string asUser = null, bool suppressNotifications = null ) : Box.V2.Auth | ||
config | IBoxConfig | |
service | IBoxService | |
converter | IBoxConverter | |
auth | IAuthRepository | |
asUser | string | |
suppressNotifications | bool | |
Результат | Box.V2.Auth |
public CreateAssignmentAsync ( |
createRequest | BoxLegalHoldPolicyAssignmentRequest object. | |
Результат | Task |
public CreateLegalHoldPolicyAsync ( |
createRequest | BoxLegalHoldPolicyRequest object. | |
Результат | Task |
public DeleteAssignmentAsync ( string assignmentId ) : Task |
assignmentId | string | ID of the legal holds assignment. |
Результат | Task |
public DeleteLegalHoldPolicyAsync ( string legalHoldPolicyId ) : Task |
legalHoldPolicyId | string | Id of the legal hold policy. |
Результат | Task |
public GetAssignmentAsync ( string assignmentId ) : Task |
assignmentId | string | Id of the assignment. |
Результат | Task |
public GetAssignmentsAsync ( string legalHoldPolicyId, string fields = null, string assignToType = null, string assignToId = null, int limit = 100, string marker = null, bool autoPaginate = false ) : Task |
legalHoldPolicyId | string | ID of Policy to get Assignments for. |
fields | string | Attribute(s) to include in the response. |
assignToType | string | Filter assignments of this type only. Can be file_version, file, folder, or user. |
assignToId | string | Filter assignments to this ID only. Note that this will only show assignments applied directly to this entity. |
limit | int | Limit result size to this number. Defaults to 100, maximum is 1,000. |
marker | string | Take from "next_marker" column of a prior call to get the next page. |
autoPaginate | bool | Whether or not to auto-paginate to fetch all items; defaults to false. |
Результат | Task |
public GetFileVersionLegalHoldAsync ( string fileVersionLegalHoldId ) : Task |
fileVersionLegalHoldId | string | ID of the file version legal hold. |
Результат | Task |
public GetFileVersionLegalHoldsAsync ( string policyId, List |
policyId | string | ID of Legal Hold Policy to get File Version Legal Holds for. |
fields | List |
Attribute(s) to include in the response. |
limit | int | Limit result size to this number. Defaults to 100, maximum is 1,000. |
marker | string | Take from "next_marker" column of a prior call to get the next page. |
autoPaginate | bool | Whether or not to auto-paginate to fetch all items; defaults to false. |
Результат | Task |
public GetLegalHoldPolicyAsync ( string legalHoldId ) : Task |
legalHoldId | string | Id of the legal hold policy. |
Результат | Task |
public GetListLegalHoldPoliciesAsync ( string policyName = null, string fields = null, int limit = 100, string marker = null, bool autoPaginate = false ) : Task |
policyName | string | Case insensitive prefix-match filter on Policy name. |
fields | string | Attribute(s) to include in the response. |
limit | int | Limit result size to this number. Defaults to 100, maximum is 1,000. |
marker | string | Take from "next_marker" column of a prior call to get the next page. |
autoPaginate | bool | Whether or not to auto-paginate to fetch all items; defaults to false. |
Результат | Task |
public UpdateLegalHoldPolicyAsync ( string legalHoldPolicyId, |
legalHoldPolicyId | string | Id of the legal hold policy. |
updateRequest | BoxLegalHoldPolicyRequest object. | |
Результат | Task |